Chapter 16

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Stacey's POV

I wake up the next morning and quietly get dressed since Mallory and Vanessa are still asleep I leave them a note letting them know I've gone down to breakfast. I step out in the hall and see a small bear sitting there in the floor wearing a sailor uniform I pick it up and read the card attached to it "Dance with me? D" I smile then go back in the room "Ness Mal wake up!!!" Vanessa sits up and looks around "What is it what happened?" We hear a noise that is a mix of a groan and a demonic growl come from Mallory's bed "What is it Stacey?" I hold up the bear "Howie has asked me to go to the dance with him tonight." Vanessa gets out of bed "That's great I'm happy for you we can talk about it over breakfast." We look over and see Mallory has gone back to sleep we walk out of the room and I shut the door behind us.

" We look over and see Mallory has gone back to sleep we walk out of the room and I shut the door behind us

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Vanessa's POV

Stacey and I are at breakfast I look up and see Kevin walking toward us I look at Stacey in panic and she smiles Kevin reaches us and looks at me "Good morning Vanessa.". I look up at him "Good morning Kevin." He looks at Stacey "Hello." "He Kevin." He pulls one hand from behind his back and holds out a red rose "Dance with me tonight?" I take the rose and look at him "I'd love too." He smiles and walks away from us then I look down at the rose Stacey looks at me "Well looks like the two of us have plans tonight." I smile and nod my head then look at my phone "It's after ten I'm going to go wake up Mallory and tell her I'm going with Kevin." We get up and start walking back to our room I was excited about tonight I needed to find something to wear and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen.

" We get up and start walking back to our room I was excited about tonight I needed to find something to wear and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen

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Mallory's POV

Stacey and Vanessa are going through all of their clothes making it look like a small tornado has hit our room I wasn't into clothes and shoes all I wanted was some peace and quiet so I could continue watching The Walking Dead." I pick up my laptop then walk out in the hallway and sit in the floor then start the episode. It gets halfway in when the show stops and another window comes up on my screen and I'm surprised to see Nick. "Hey Mal sorry to interrupt you if you were doing anything I hope you forgive me for it will you dance with me tonight?" the video stops and I'm left staring at a blank screen none of this seemed real. I couldn't believe Nick kissed me and I was amazed from last night I get up turn off my laptop then walk back in our room and see even more clothes in the floor. I walk over to my suit case then join on the hunt for something to wear plus I was happy I would be getting to see Nick again.

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