Chapter 17

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Kevin's POV

I keep looking up to see if Vanessa had walked in yet but she hadn't yet when I asked her this morning she said yes I look down at my watch to see what time it is and we still had some time before the dance started. People were already starting to show up I look up one more time then start walking around in a small circle I look up one more time a few minutes later and see her walking toward me in a dark blue strapless dress and pair of heels that made her a few inches taller she smiles when she walks over to me. I look at her "You look beautiful." She blushes "Thank you." We walk in as a slow song starts playing I take her hand and lead her out on the dance floor. She puts her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist then we start dancing.

 She puts her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist then we start dancing

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Howie's POV

I keep pacing back and forth what if Stacey didn't show up? What if someone else took the bear I left for her? I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down then start pacing again. Brian and AJ were already inside with Leigh Anne and Rochelle a few minutes ago I saw Kevin walk in with Vanessa I look up and stop when I see Stacey walking toward me. She looked amazing in her long blue dress that reached the floor and the top of it was sparkly I think that is how you would describe it I couldn't think straight. She walks over and stands in front of me I look at her "You look amazing." She smiles "Thank you." We both walk in and slow music is playing "May I have this dance?" She nods her head and we walk out on the floor then I pull her close and wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around my neck and we start dancing.

" We both walk in and slow music is playing "May I have this dance?" She nods her head and we walk out on the floor then I pull her close and wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around my neck and we start dancing

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Nick's POV

I was running late and all I could think was please let her still be there I walk in the room and look around while I'm still trying to catch my breath and finally I see her sitting at a table. I take a deep breath and walk over to her and she looks up at me "I'm sorry I'm late." She smiles at me "It's okay." I hold my hand out to her "how about that dance?" She takes my hand and I lead her out on the dance floor I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. She's sorter than me so her head reaches my shoulder I look down at her and she is wearing a black dress that made her pale skin stand out and her green eyes were surrounded by dark make up. She looked dark; mysterious she looked beautiful "You look beautiful." "Thank you." Another song starts and she lays her head against my chest and we continue dancing.

" Another song starts and she lays her head against my chest and we continue dancing

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Vanessa's POV

The night had been perfect and I didn't think things could get any better Kevin and I walk over to the bar and order my second drink he props against the bar and I look over at him. His blue eyes had gotten dark and there was an edge to his movements I look away and I feel his hand on my waist, his body against mine, and his lips against my ear "Come with me to my room tonight?" I get different feelings but the one that stands out the most is desire I knew I wanted Kevin but the other feeling is nervousness what if I went with him and tonight ended badly. I nod my head then Kevin takes my hand and we walk through the maze of dancing couples until we make it out then we start walking in the direction of Kevin's room.

Stacey's POV

Howie and I are still dancing tonight had been one of the best nights I've ever had I look up at Howie and see that he is looking around the room and I wonder if he is looking for one of the guys. He looks down at me and we stop in our spot and I look up at him "Is everything okay?" He nods his head "Come back to me with my room tonight?" "Okay." He puts one arm around my waist and we start walking out. I had been feeling the chemistry between the two of us and he must have felt it too. We keep walking and go in the direction of his room and a wave of nervousness shoots through me I wanted Howie and I knew I wanted to do this too. I could feel the warmth of his hand on my waist through the dress and the warmth only contributed to the desire that was rushing through me.

Mallory's POV

I'm being held against Nick's body and I'm thinking about how amazing tonight was and even though I hate to admit it I'm glad Vanessa and Stacey brought me on a cruise. I let out a sigh which gets Nick's attention and he looks at me "Is everything okay?" I nod and he pulls me closer "Stay with me tonight?" "Sure." We walk out of the room and I follow behind him I take a deep breath then slowly exhale. I definitely knew there was something between me and Nick he takes my hand and I feel my body flood with a rush of heat coming from desire. I really liked Nick so I knew I wanted to do this.


1.Vanessa's Dress

2.Stacey's Dress

3.Mallory's Dress

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