Chapter 25

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Vanessa's POV

The next morning Stacey, Mallory and myself are all packing and getting our stuff together we hear a knock on the door and Mallory walks over and opens it "Kevin nice to see you." My head shoots up from my suitcase and I look over at Stacey "Come on in." Stacey and I turn around to see Kevin and Howie walk in the room Mallory looks at the four of us "I'll let the four of you talk." She walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her then Kevin walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him "I'm going to miss you Kev." He looks down at me and puts his hands on the side of his face "I'm going to miss you too Ness."

Kevin's POV

I stay and talk to her for as longs as I can until Brian starts calling me I look at my phone then back at Vanessa "It's time for me to go." She nods her head "its okay I understand." I lean forward and kiss her then she kisses back and we slowly pull away from each other "I'll see you soon." She nods her head and I turn and look at Howie "I'll buy you some time bro." I give Vanessa one final glance then turn around and walk out of her room I walk back to my room to finish packing my stuff.

Stacey's POV

I walk over and lay my head on Howie's chest and he wraps his arms around me then starts running his hands through my hair we don't say anything I look at him and he looks down at me "Don't be upset we will see each other again." "I know but I'm going to miss you." He smiles "I'm going to miss you too Stacey." He pulls me to him and we stand there for a little longer until his phone breaks the silence he looks down at it "That's Kevin I've run out of time I guess." "Yeah I guess so."

Howie's POV

I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her she kisses back I look at her when we pull away "I'm going to see you again I promise." She smiles "Okay." I give her one quick kiss and a last glance then I walk out of her room and go back to mine to get my stuff before we all have to leave.

Nick's POV

All of my stuff is packed and ready to go I haven't left my room and I'm not sure I'm ready to leave yet because leaving means I don't get to see Mallory anymore. I miss her and I would like to see her before she leaves but I can't I look to see what time it is and there is still time I could go see her. I know she is hurting and upset and it's my fault I don't want to her anymore no matter how much I miss her.

Vanessa's POV

When we get back the three of us put our bags in the back of Stacey's car I turn and look at Mallory "Do you want shotgun this time?" She shakes her head "I'll ride in the back I want to sleep anyway." Stacey unlocks the door and we all get in the car when Stacey starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot Mallory lays down in the back seat. While we are driving down the road I look over at Stacey as we both hear soft sobs coming from the back seat. I look at Stacey and we both look in the mirror and we can tell by the way her shoulders are moving that Mallory is crying.

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