Chapter 52

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Nick's POV

Today was the day of my final fitting before Mallory and I fly to Hawaii for our wedding and it wasn't going well my tux just felt wrong it felt tight I keep tugging at my collar in an attempt to loosen up but it wasn't helping at all I couldn't breathe. Howie walks over to me then slaps my hand away I look at him "I don't think my suit fits." He gives me a look "It fits fine you're just nervous about getting married you need to relax Nick." I take a deep breath then run my hands through my hair I wanted to marry her more than anything she belonged in my life but at the same time I was scared I love her and I know that she loves me but I was afraid that she would find someone better than me. Right now I really wanted to see her but she was on the other side of town trying on her dress I take another deep breath then pull myself together Howie looks at me "Are you okay Nick?" I nod "Yeah I'm good." I was able to do this I wanted her to be mine I was ready to marry her she was the one for me.

Mallory's POV

I look down at my dress once it is hooked in the back it was simple but elegant it was perfect for the beach wedding Nick and I had planned in Hawaii it was simple and we were just going to have our friends and family there with us. I was excited about getting married and I couldn't believe I was going to marry Nick Carter I had never felt this way before I was ready to spend the rest of my life with Nick I look down at my dress again when Vanessa's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "How do you feel?" I look over at her with a smile on my face "I feel great I'm really excited about this." She smiles "I felt the same way when Kevin and I were getting ready for our wedding." I run my fingertips over my dress and my thoughts go to Nick, our future together watching the sunset at the lake house then maybe filling up the empty bedrooms with kids he was perfect and Nick Carter was everything I ever wanted.


Kevin's POV

While the guys and I are finishing getting ready I look over at Nick who is pacing back and forth and I begin to think that he is going to wear a path in the floor AJ looks at him "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP PACING YOU'RE MAKING ME NERVOUS!!!" Nick looks at AJ "I'm sorry I can't help it." Howie looks at Nick "Are you still nervous?" Nick shakes his head "I'm excited I just can't stop moving." I look over at him "Save that energy tonight you'll need it." He turns red and we all laugh at him then a few minutes later we follow Nick as he takes his place at the altar.

Mallory's POV

Vanessa and Stacey finish my hair and I look in the mirror and see my long brown hair in loose curls cascading down my back I adjust my dress then take a deep breath I missed Nick I haven't seen him in two days so I was anxious to see him again. Today was the big day we were getting married then when everyone else went home Nick and I were going to stay here in Hawaii for our honeymoon the door opens and Aaron walk in the room I turn and look at him "What are you doing here is Nick okay?" He looks at me and holds up his hand "Mal calm down Nick is fine he wanted me to give you this." He hands me a small box and I open it I see the seashell bracelet he had given me after the first cruise when he was sending gifts I put it on then look at Aaron "Thank you." He nods "You're welcome see you soon." He turns and walks out of the room the music starts and Vanessa then Stacey this was it in less than one hour I would be married to Nick.

" He turns and walks out of the room the music starts and Vanessa then Stacey this was it in less than one hour I would be married to Nick

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