Chapter 19

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Howie's POV

I let Stacey borrow some of my clothes then later on I order breakfast once it arrives we sit down and start eating while we are eating we talk too. I know that neither of us regret anything that took place between us last night or this morning there was another stop in a few days and I was going to ask her to go with me again so we could do something different this time. A little while later she stands up and picks up the bag that contains her dress in it then she walks over to the door and turns around then looks at me. "Bye Howie." "Bye Stacey." She smiles and I lean down then kiss her and she kisses back and walks out of the room. I watch her walk down the hallway then I walk back in the room and shut the door.

Nick's POV

I wake up and look down to see Mallory still sleeping with her back facing me I run my fingers through her hair and move it off her neck then I start kissing down her neck. She moans then rolls over and looks at me and I smile at her "Good morning." She smiles back "Morning Nick." I get on top of her and she wraps her arms around my neck I was going to be in charge this time. I kiss her and she kisses back I kiss down her neck and she runs her hands down my back I run my hands down her waist this time it was going to be all about her.

Mallory's POV

I walk in the room wearing some of Nick's clothes and see Nick sitting on the bed eating I walk over and start eating too we eat and talk and once the food is gone I'm lying on the bed with my head in his lap. I get off the bed and grab my dress out of the floor then look back at Nick "I better go." He gets off the bed and walks over to me "I'll see you later Mal." I smile "Bye Nicky." I hoped I would get to see him again and I go to walk out of the room when he wraps his arms around my waist then kisses me and I kiss back. I walk out of his room then turn and look back and see Nick watching me I smile then keep walking back to my room.

Girl's POV

We meet at our room at the same time then we all look at the clothes we are wearing and smile at each other we walk in the room and sit on our beds and talk about what happened the night before. Eventually we drift off to sleep while we are talking a few hours later when we wake up well stay in bed for a while and talk about what we could do for the rest of the day we toss a few ideas around but can't come up with anything. We talk a little longer then decide to go to the spa and spend the afternoon relaxing and we talk about how our night and what happened this morning before we came back to our room.


We meet in the middle of the hallway and look at each other we talk but we don't go into a lot of detail about our night or this morning before the girls left. We get the rest of the guys together then go down to the gym and start doing our own separate thing then the questions start coming. We share a few vague details and hang out in there for a while we start talking and making jokes with each other not thinking about how things are going to go in the future or what will happen between us and the girls when the cruise ends.

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