Chapter 13

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Howie's POV

Stacey and I walk off the dock then make our way through the streets and we hear reggae music playing while we are walking we pass a small group of musicians that has gathered a small group around them. I pull some money out of my pocket then throw in the small bowl sitting in front of them then I put on my sunglasses and we keep walking down the street while we are walking we talk about different things. A few minutes later we stop in front of The Sea fire Steakhouse I had looked up the place and the menu didn't seem bad and I thought we would both enjoy eating here. We walk in and a few minutes later we are seated at a table and the waiter leaves us with menus.

Stacey's POV

We get our drinks and we both order the same thing and a little while later the waiter brings out salads I was really nervous about this I just hoped it didn't show too much and that Howie couldn't tell how nervous I really was. While we are eating I start wondering to myself if this could count as a date but I wasn't sure if I should say anything about it. The conversation has dwindled down a bit since we had gotten our food and Howie looks up at me "How's the food?" "It's great

Kevin's POV

I decide to take Vanessa sightseeing we walk around and I follow her lead and go wherever she goes we walk through a grove of trees and she looks up then smiles I look and see what she is smiling at and I see parrots looking down at us by her reaction she must like animals. We keep walking and I tell her a story about something Nick to me once on a tour and she starts laughing it was contagious and could make you laugh too. I loved spending time with her I just wasn't sure how far this should go because the cruise only lasted for two weeks we keep walking and find some brightly colored flowers she leans forward and closes her eyes when she smells them. I look at her long dark eye lashes and the dark brown hair that frames her face she's beautiful. She pulls away from the flowers and gives them a lingering gaze then starts walking away.

 She pulls away from the flowers and gives them a lingering gaze then starts walking away

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Vanessa's POV

I keep walking thinking that Kevin is still with me but I'm surprised when he walks up next to me with flowers in his hand "I picked these for you.' I smile and take the flowers from him "Thank you Kevin." We keep walking and he looks over at me "I really like spending time with you Vanessa." I like spending time with you too Kevin." That was true but there was something Kevin didn't know I really liked him and I hope that maybe he liked me too. He was great I just wasn't sure if now was the right moment to ask Kevin if he liked me and it was too soon to ask whatever this was between me and him. He brings me out of my thoughts "Are you having fun if not we can do something else." "This is fun Kevin I'm having a great time."


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