Chapter 23

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Girl's POV

Today was the second to last day of the cruise we had spent most of the week with the guys but today were having some much needed girl time so far we had gone to the spa and went shopping right now we were spending time by the pool together. The cruise had been amazing but at the same time we were all ready to go back home as well, we sit and talk about the past week and some of the things we had done with the boys then the conversation takes a turn. We begin to focus on the fact that the cruise ends in a few days and we wonder what is going to happen between us and the boys once everything ends we look at each other and start asking questions that none of us really know the answer to. "What if we never see them again?" "What's going to happen when the cruise ends and we get back?" and many other questions as well.


Today is a busy day for us there are meet and greets and autograph sessions all going on today thankfully there is a small break in between for lunch while the three of us sit and eat AJ and Brian leave to go eat with their girlfriends. We all look at each other and talk about what we will have going on once we get back there will be a small amount of time before we start working on other things then our conversation goes to the girls the past week with them had been great but at the same time we knew the cruise was coming to an end. We wanted to be with them to see if what we had could turn into relationships but we did have some concerns and doubts as well "What if she doesn't feel the same way?" "What if it doesn't work out between us?"

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