Chapter 38

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Stacey's POV

I want to get Howie a gift but I'm not sure on what it should be I walk to the room a few feet away from our room and knock. AJ opens the door "Hey Stacey what's up?" I take a deep breath "I want to get Howie a gift but I'm not sure on what it should be will you help me?" "Yeah sure." We walk off and go to the first store but neither of us see anything Howie would like the same thing happens at the next two stores after I sigh and think to myself this might take all day.

Howie's POV

I walk past a store and through the glass  doors I see Stacey and AJ I wonder what the two of them are shopping. I go to keep walking but stop when I see AJ put his arms around her waist and pull her to him I couldn't believe she would do that, that she wanted AJ. I walk away and go back to my room ad slam the door when I walk a little while later she walks in with a bag and I walk over to her "what's going on? Are you seeing AJ? I saw you in the store and he was holding you!!!." She looks at me "What are you talking about we were shopping and he was helping me find a gift why would you think that we are just friends he was holding me when I started to faint it was totally innocent I swear." This wasn't good enough for me and I was mad "YOU'RE LYING YOU'VE BEEN USING ME TO GET TO AJ!!!" I walk out and slam the door behind me.


I see Howie storm out of his room then I walk over and knock then Stacey opens the door "what happened?" She looks at me and I can tell that she's upset "Howie thinks that you and I are more than friends he said I was using him to get close to you." I couldn't believe he would think something like that I had Rochelle "That's crazy I'll go talk to him." She nods her head and I walk off to go find Howie it takes a while but I finally find him and when I do I walk over and sit down next to him. "There is nothing going on between me and Stacey." He rolls his eyes "What I saw today says otherwise." "I caught her when she fainted she was buying a gift for you plus I have Rochelle I'm happy with her and Stacey is happy with you." He runs his hand through his hair "I'm sorry I better go to apologize to Stacey." He gets up then walks away and I laugh.

Howie's POV

I walk in the room and walk over to Stacey and she goes to say something but I stop her before she can say anything. "I'm so sorry for what I said I didn't mean it I know you would never do something like that and I'm sorry for getting mad at you I just don't want to lose you." I wrap my arms around her waist and it feels different but I don't say anything about it "will you forgive me?"

" I wrap my arms around her waist and it feels different but I don't say anything about it "will you forgive me?"

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