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Stacey's POV

I lift up Caroline and look at her "Say momma." She looks at me and starts giggling I shake my head "Come on say it just one time." She reaches over and starts playing with a bracelet I'm wearing she was stubborn just like her dad was I hear the door open and close as Howie walks in the house. He walks in the room and sits down next to me then kisses me "How was your day?" I smile as he takes Caroline "It was good I keep trying to get her to say momma but she doesn't so it could be a while."

Howie's POV

I tickle my daughter then kiss her cheeks "She'll talk when she has something to say." "Da." I turn my head and look back at Caroline "Dada." I smile and throw her in the air then catch her "She said dada." Stacey rolls her eyes and shakes her head "No fair." I laugh then look back at Caroline "She's a daddy's girl." "Yeah whatever." Stacey shakes her head I lean over and kiss her "She loves you too just like I do." I see a small smile appear on her face "I love you too Howie." I was happy with how things turned out after that first cruise because now I have a wife and daughter life was good and it can only get better.

" I was happy with how things turned out after that first cruise because now I have a wife and daughter life was good and it can only get better

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Kevin's POV

I walk in the nursery and pick up Will and sit in the rocking chair with him I was still amazed at the name Ness had chosen for our son William Jerald Richardson she named him after my father. I smile and look down at my tiny double he starts making a few cooing and babbling noises I laugh and babble back at him I was happy with Vanessa she was the one for me and I loved her very much. I was happy that our first child was a son I would have been happy with a daughter but a son was nice. Meeting Vanessa on that cruise a few years ago would always be one of the best things that ever happened to me.

 Meeting Vanessa on that cruise a few years ago would always be one of the best things that ever happened to me

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Vanessa's POV

I stand by the door and watch Kevin with Will he is an amazing dad I walk in the nursery and stand behind Kevin then start rubbing his shoulders. He looks up at me and smiles "Hey Ness." I kiss him "Hi Kevin." He looks back down at our son who has fell asleep in his father's arms Kevin stands up then walks over and lays him down in the crib. I walk over and wrap my arms around Kevin's neck and he wraps his arms around my waist I look up at him and kiss him, he kisses back. I couldn't believe that I was with Kevin he takes both of my hands and looks at me "I love you Vanessa." I would never get tired of hearing him say that "I love you too Kevin." Life with Kevin was amazing and I couldn't picture being with anyone else.

Nick's POV

Mallory and I are walking by the lake with a twin in our arms our dog Jack was walking along next to us I look over at my daughter who kept looking down at Jack I smile we named her Arabella Rose Carter and she was beautiful just like Mallory she had gotten her brown hair and my blue eyes. I look over at Mallory who has our son in her arms she was tickling his nose with a small flower she picked his name is Anthony Nickolas Carter but we called him Tony I was surprised when she named him after me there was no denying who he belonged to he looked exactly like me blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't know what life would be like without her but she made me a better person she completed me and I love her and I know that she loves me. Now that we have been together for a few years I didn't want to picture a life without her in it I've always been told when you meet the right one for you, you know and I know because the right one for me is her.

Mallory's POV

We go inside and put the twins down for a nap then Jack walks over and lays on his bed Nick walks over and sits on the couch. I kick off my shoes then walk over and sit in his lap and lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me it was hard to believe that there was a time where we weren't sure if the two of us were going to work out but we made it. I hate to admit this but I was kind of glad that Stacey and Vanessa made me go on the cruise because I would have never met Nick I would never love anyone the way that I love him he was my missing puzzle piece that completed me and my life. He looks at me and I kiss him he kisses back and puts his hands on the side of my face "I love you." I run my fingers through his hair "I love you too Nicky." As long as we loved each other nothing else mattered I smile and think to myself it all started because of a BSB cruise.

" As long as we loved each other nothing else mattered I smile and think to myself it all started because of a BSB cruise

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1.Caroline Ann Dorough

2.William Jerald Richardson

3.Arabella Rose Carter

4.Anthony Nickolas Carter

Author's Note

Well here we are again at the end of another story thank you for all of the reads, the votes and the comments on this story I hope you have had as much fun reading this story as StaceyCarpenter7 and I had writing this story it was our first time working together and my first time writing a Backstreetboys story so Stac thank you so much for helping me with this it means so much all the late nights and getting up early and all of the hours we spent working on this story it was so fun working with you and seeing how well we work together. NessaBSB you were our biggest source of inspiration for this story we wanted to do something to cheer you up and we were always wondering what your reaction would be to certain chapters or parts of the story so both of us really hope that you have enjoyed reading this story.

Lots of Love,

gustinlover94 &

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