Chapter 15

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Howie's POV

After dinner Stacey and I walk around for a bit until the afternoon turns to night and the stars start to appear in the sky while we are walking back to the ship other people start walking back as well probably to get something to eat or rest after their day out. When we make it back to the ship and we are walking back to her room I look at her "I'd like to do this again sometime." I see a smile appear on her face "I'd like that too." We keep walking and stop in front of her door then she looks up at me "Thank you for dinner it was great." "I had a good time with you too." I step forward and kiss her then step away "Goodnight Stacey." "Good night Howie." I smile then turn around and start walking back to my room.

Stacey's POV

I walk in the room and see Vanessa sitting on the bed she looks up at me "How did it go with Howie?" I smile "He kissed me." "That's great." I walk over and sit down on my bed I was ecstatic I couldn't believe that Howie kissed me. I look over at her "How did it go with Kevin today?" A huge smile forms on her face "It was great he kissed me." "That's great Ness I'm happy for you." I look over at the remaining empty bed "I see Mal hasn't made it back yet." Vanessa shrugs her shoulders "I guess she is still out with Nick." I nod "how about when she gets back we order room service and watch some movies?" Vanessa nods her head "That sounds like a great idea." She reaches over and passes me the room service menu so I can start looking through it.

Nick's POV

We stay at the beach until the moon comes out and starts shining down on the water we start walking back to the ship and she looks at me "I had a lot of fun this was my first time at the beach." "I'm glad you had fun today I did too." While we are walking through the ship back to the room I look over at her today was great and I would love to spend more time with her, we get caught in a large group of people who have made it back the same time as we did so we slowly make our way back to her room. "I still have your jacket from the other day." "That's okay you can keep it." We get to her room and she looks up at me "I had a great time with you Nick." I smile "I had a great time with you too." We stand there for a few seconds "Well goodnight." "Good night Nick." I start walking to my room and when I get halfway there I turn around and start running back.

Mallory's POV

I sigh as I walk in the room and see Stacey and Vanessa sitting on their beds they look up at me and smile "Hey how did it go with Nick?" I grab some clothes "It was fine how about you two?" Vanessa answers first "It was great Kevin kissed me." Then Stacey takes her turn "Howie and I had dinner then he kissed me." "That's great guys I'm happy for you." I walk in the bathroom and change into my pajamas then walk back in the room a few minutes later and the two of them look up at me Stacey holds up the room service menu "We ordered pizza is that okay?" I nod my head just as there is a knock on the door. I walk over and open it to see Nick standing there "Nick what are you doing...." My words are cut off when he kisses me.

" My words are cut off when he kisses me

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Picture:Mallory's lovely pajamas

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