Chapter 12

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Vanessa's POV

I was shocked I couldn't believe that Kevin was asking me to go with him when we stopped just getting to know him and spending all this time with him had been amazing and I felt like I was dreaming. I had enjoyed getting to know Kevin and seeing what he is really like and I did want to spend more time with him I look at Kevin sitting across from me and smile at him "I'd love to go with you." He smiles back at me "That's great."

Stacey's POV

Howie was asking me to go to dinner with him when we got to the Bahamas I had to be dreaming or Fate was playing a really cruel joke on me. The two of us had been talking and spending a lot of time together and the past few days had been amazing. I loved getting to know him and getting to spend time with him too I look at him "I'd love to go to dinner with you." He smiles at me "Great I look forward to it." Then we walk in the bar together.

Mallory's POV

Nick was great and I loved spending time with him he made me smile and laugh and I really liked that about him I think I was beginning to really like him and that kind of scared me but then again so did being on this cruise ship. I wanted to spend more time with him I look at him and he smiles when our eyes meet "I'd love to go to the beach with you Nick." "Great sun and sand here we come." I start laughing and he does too.

Fan's POV

Today was the day we stop in the Bahamas it was also the day we were going to get some time with Howie, Kevin and Nick and get those other girls that had been with them out of the way. We walk through the ship and try to find the boys but we don't instead we find something even better their girls we walk over and stand in front of them. "You think you are all so special just because they noticed you?" They all look at each other and try to get around us but we stop them "We are meant to be with them not you they belong to us." One of the girls look at us "Look just leave us alone." We give her and her plain light brown hair a look of disgust then one of us grabs her arm.


We make our way to meet the girls but we stop when we look through a pair of glass doors we walk in and see one of them having their arm grabbed and we hear "They belong to us." We walk over and get between the fans and the girls and look at them "What the hell was that?" The so called fans start trying to turn it around and make it look like they are the victims but we don't fall for that "We don't appreciate anything like that and we won't have anything to do with people like that either." One of our body guards walks up with ship security and the so called fans are left to be dealt with by security and our body guards and the three of us walk off the ship taking the girls with us. Before we go our separate ways we all turn and look back at the girls "Are you okay?" They all nod their heads and answer our questions. "We are so sorry that happened we didn't know those girls at all we hope that you still want to go with us." They all look at us and then start walking off the ship leaving us there watching their figures as they walk away.

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