Chapter 55

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Vanessa's POV

Kevin and I throw a party the week after we come home from our mini vacation Kevin looks down at me after he hangs up the last decoration "What do you think?" I look up and nod my head "It looks great Kev." He climbs down and wraps his arms around me "I can't believe we are going to be parents "I'm really excited." I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck he kisses back and I look up at him "I love you Kevin." He smiles "I love you too Ness." There's a knock on the door and I walk over and open it Howie and Stacey are standing there and Howie has Caroline in his arms I look at them "Come on in." They walk in and we wait on everyone else to show up a little while later there is another knock on the door I walk over and open it Mallory and Nick made it even though they were the last ones to show up. I smile and hug Mallory she looked amazing her skin was tan, she had worn a sundress and she looked really happy "How was the honeymoon?" She smiles then her and Nick share a look with each other then look back at me "It was great we had a lot of fun." I hold up my hand "Stop right there I don't want to know." She laughs then they walk inside and I shut the door.

Kevin's POV

We talk to everyone for a while then I walk over and put my arm around Vanessa's waist I cough then clear my throat and everyone looks up at us "You are all probably wondering why Ness and I decided to throw a party well the first reason is we all missed you and wanted to see you and the second reason is..." I look over at Vanessa and she holds my hand then looks at everyone "I'm pregnant." Everyone claps then the girls swarm Vanessa and the guys walk over to me, Brian congratulates me then hugs me. Howie starts giving me advice so fast I barely catch a single word of it if it is importan I will have him tell me again later, AJ and Nick both congratulate me and tell me they are happy for me and Vanessa. I couldn't wait to be a dad I knew Vanessa was going to be an amazing mom I wanted to be the best dad I could and I couldn't wait to meet my son or daughter I would be happy with either one.


Nick's POV

We walk in our house from yet another party and surprise Brian and LeighAnne announced that they were going to have a baby I was tired of this. Howie and Stacey's daughter was five months old, Vanessa was four months pregnant I wanted to be a father I wanted kids, I prop against the counter and look at Mallory "Why hasn't anything happened yet?" She shrugs "It takes time for a baby Nick." "Are you keeping us from having a baby?" She walks over to me "No I'm not this might just take a while Nick." I jerk away from her "This is all your fault!!! you can't give me kids I'm surprised you are able to get up and cook or clean the house I wish I had never met you on that cruise!!!!!" I see the tears start to form in her eyes and I start wlking to the door from behind me I hear her say "You promised you would never walk away." I turn then look back at her "You said we could have kids." I turn and walk out the door then slam it shut.

Mallory's POV

I walk upstairs and go past our bedroom then walk in one of the extra bedrooms and get in the unfamiliar bed. I curl up in a ball and wrap the blankets around me then let the tears fall I didn't know Nick felt the way he does his words keep playing over and over in my head did Nick really mean them? I did love Nick and I really hoped that the two of us could get through this but for now I could care less if Nick came home tonight. I go to sleep and toss and turn all through the night when I wake up the next morning I glance inside our bedroom and I walk by and see Nick sleeping in our bed so he did come home last night I walk in the kitchen and leave a note for him on the counter grab my purse and phone then walk out of the house.

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