Chapter 10

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Kevin's POV

The Q&A session continues and we all answer different questions some are normal but there are some that are pretty strange as well I try my hardest to pay attention but it doesn't work my eyes keep being drawn to Vanessa while she is standing there. I even watch as she makes her way through the crowd of people after a few more questions we wrap it up and I grab my mic then stand up and walk around. "We would like to thank you all for coming not only to this but for being on our cruise as well." They all start clapping and cheering I wait for the noise to die down before I continue "We would also like to thank you all for your support we couldn't do this without you." We all walk off stage then Brian and AJ go back to their rooms to meet with Leigh Anne and Rochelle while Howie, Nick and myself walk back on deck and start searching through the crowd of people.

Mallory's POV

Stacey, Vanessa, and I are all sitting together talking when Vanessa suddenly goes quiet and her eyes get wide I look up and see Mr.Kentucky himself standing in front of us he looks at us then back at Vanessa "Hi Kevin." "Hi Vanessa." I cough then she remembers that Stacey and I are still here she points to Stacey "You remember my friend Stacey?" then she points to me "And my friend Mallory?" He looks at both of us "Hello." He goes back to Vanessa "Would you like to go with me again?" She looks at me and Stacey and I nod my head then she turns back to Kevin. "I'd love too." Then she gets up and walks off with Kevin leaving me and Stacey

Stacey's POV

After Vanessa leaves Mallory and I stand and talk a little longer but our conversation is cut short when she points behind me and I feel someone tap my shoulder I turn around and see Howie standing there. He smiles "Hello Stacey." I smile back "Hi Howie." From behind me I hear Mallory cough to cover up the laugh she is trying to hide "You remember my friend Mallory?" He waves at her and she says Hi. He looks at me "So I was going to explore the ship some more would you like to come?" I look at Mallory and she looks at me "Go on have some fun." I look back at Howie "Sure that sounds great." Then I get up and walk off with Howie.

Mallory's POV

After Stacey leaves with Howie I'm left alone by myself I was starving but I wasn't ready to eat yet I walk over to one of the chairs then lean my head back and close my eyes. "Mind if I sit with you?" I open my eyes and look up to see a smiling Nick Carter "Hey Nick." "Hello again." He sits down next to me and looks over at me "I'm starving how would you feel about getting lunch and we can talk some more?" "Sure sounds great." We get up and start walking and he looks over at me "I saw you this morning during the concert." I nod my head "Yeah I know." We keep walking then he looks at me "I heard screaming and lots of fans shouting earlier but I noticed you weren't one of them." "It was eight in the morning I'm like a walker early in the mornings people should stay away until after I've had caffeine."

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