Chapter 34

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Howie's POV

I get woke up in the middle of the night by Stacey I yawn and sit up "What is it Stacey?" She looks at me "do you hear that?" I listen for a few minutes then hear a thudding noise come from outside in the hallway. I get out of bed and throw on some pants then Stacey gets out of bed and walks up behind me "What do you think it is?" I shrug then we both walk over to the door I open it and we step out in the hall.

Vanessa's POV

When I hear a thudding noise I sit up and shake Kevin it takes a few minutes but he finally wakes up. "Ness what is it?" I hold up my finger "Listen." He stops talking and listens then looks at me "What is that noise?" "I don't know Kev." We get out of bed and walk in the hallway.

Kevin's POV

When we walk in the hallway I see a sleepy looking Howie and Stacey stumble out of their room I look over and a barely awake AJ walks out of his room then out from their room comes a tired looking Brian who is rubbing his eyes. AJ starts talking then we hear the thudding noise again "What is that noise?" I look around and count to myself Howie and Stacey, me and Vanessa, Brian and AJ "Where's Nick and Mallory?" We hear the noise again then we all look down the hallway at the closed door then we start walking down the hall and the closer we get the louder the noise gets. Everyone looks at me and I look back at them "what is it?" Brian pushes me toward the door "Knock when he answers tell him we are all losing sleep." I sigh then step forward and knock on the door and wait a few minutes then the door opens and Nick peeks out. "Hey guys what's up?" "Dude what's going on in there? people are trying to sleep these are supposed to be sound proof cabins." Nick turns red "Uh sorry about that Kev we are uh busy." I look at him "Yes we know the noise is what woke us up." His face turns a darker red "Sorry we will um keep it down." He shuts the door and I hear Mallory's voice through the door "Were we really that loud?" Then I hear Nick "Yeah we woke up all of the guys and Stacey plus Vanessa." I laugh as I walk away from the door and walk back to my room along with everyone else.


I open the door and go to step out of my room but stop when I bump into a smiling Nick and Mallory I look at the two of them "The two of you finally get finished?" They both turn red then Nick coughs and clears his throat. "Will you and Rochelle meet us in the private dining room for breakfast?" This raises a red flag for me and I start thinking of a thousand questions "Why?" Mallory smiles at me "It's a surprise will you come?" I take a deep breath "Yeah we will be there see you in a little bit." They both smile and walk down the hallway then I turn around and walk back in the room to tell Rochelle.

Stacey's POV

Howie and I walk out of the room to see Mallory and Nick I look at them "The two of you certainly look bright eyed this morning." They both smile and Nick looks at the two of us "Will you meet us in the private dining room for breakfast AJ and Rochelle said they would." Howie nods his head "Sure we would love too we will meet you there in a little bit." Mallory smiles "thanks see you soon." They start to walk off but I stop them "Wait a minute what are the two of you up to?" They both smile and look at each other then back at me and Howie "It's a surprise." They keep walking down the hall then Howie and I turn and start walking to the private dining room.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa and I get ready to go out together but when we get out in the hallway Nick and Mallory stop us and walk over then Mallory smiles at both of us. "Good morning Ness, good morning Kevin how are you today?" She wasn't a morning person so this was strange for her I look at the two of them. "Good and the two of you." They both smile and Nick looks at the two of us "We're good will you eat breakfast with us in the private dining room everyone else is already there." I look over at Ness who is watching Mallory like a hawk and I look at Nick and notice he's hovering by Mallory's side. "Are the two of you pulling a prank or something?" They both shake their heads and Nick answers "No but will you please come?" I sigh "Fine we will meet you down there." Mallory smiles "Thanks Kevin." We turn around and start walking down to the dining room.

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