Chapter 29

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Mallory's POV

A few days go by and I'm hanging out with the two couples today Howie is really nice and Kevin is really funny I'm glad Stacey and Vanessa have guys like them we are sitting together watching a movie when there is a knock on the door. I walk over and open it to see another delivery guy standing there with more flowers and a small box "Delivery for Mallory?" "That's me." I have to sign for them again then walk in the house Vanessa looks up at me "What's the card say?" I pull the card off the flowers "Every time I try to rise above I'm swept away by love baby I can't help it you keep me drowning in your love." I sit down the flowers then open the small box and pick up a seashell charm bracelet then put on my wrist. Stacey looks at me "Who's it from?" I pick up the card that is in the box the bracelet came in and gasp when I read the name. "From Nick." Then it all comes together the first gift had been from Nick too.

" Then it all comes together the first gift had been from Nick too

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Nick's POV

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Nick's POV

I take a deep breath as I get out of the car and start walking up to the door of the house I was nervous about this and I didn't know if she would be happy to see me or not. With every step I take I get closer and closer to the door I think about the last conversation we had on the cruise I told her I didn't think we could work and she was hurt by that what if she didn't want to see me again? I didn't realize how wrong I was until these past two weeks I needed to tell her how I really felt. I get to the door this was it I take another deep breath then run my hand through my hair then reach up and knock on the door then wait for someone to open it.

Mallory's POV

There is another knock on the door I get out of the chair and walk over and open it to see the one person I thought I would never see again standing there in front of me "Nick?" Nick looks at me and smiles "Hello Mallory." A look of surprise crosses my face and for a minute I'm speechless, my head is spinning and my heart is beating wildly in my chest. I manage to speak "Hello Nick." We stand there and look at each other I look at him "What are you doing here?" He bites his lip "I'm here to see you." I hear a noise behind me and turn to see Stacey, Vanessa, Kevin, and Howie all standing behind me to see what is going on. I look back at Nick who is looking at me "I really like you Mal and I was wrong about what I said on the cruise because I really do want this to work for us the flowers and the gifts were my way of saying I' m sorry and I hope you forgive me for what I said to you that night." I cut him before he can say anything else by kissing him. He kisses back and wraps his arms around my waist when we stop I notice that the two of us are alone. Nick and I walk over to the couch and sit down I look over when he starts running his fingertips up and down my arms and he stops when he reaches the bracelet. "Do you like it?" "I do thank you." I look over at him and he's looking at me "Give me one more chance and go out with me tonight please?" I smile at him and nod my head "That sounds great Nick." I look away and his voice gets lower "I've missed you Mal." "I've missed you too Nick."

Nick's POV

After we go out for dinner we go for a walk in the park and I look over at her walking next to me "I'm sorry again for what happened I didn't want to hurt you I was just scared." She takes a deep breath then sighs and looks at me "I accept your apology and I know that you didn't mean to hurt me but you did and it hurt a lot Nick I wanted to get rid of all of my Backstreet stuff but I just couldn't do it I couldn't stop thinking about you either." I stop walking then stand in front of her "If I could change that moment I would but I can't all I can do now is make up it up to you and with all my heart I will I promise." She kisses me and wraps her arms around my neck then I kiss back and pull her to me we walk around the park longer then we go back to her house I wasn't expecting anything to happen between us tonight and I wasn't going to pressure into it either. I follow her in her bedroom and see the walking dead blanket I see her stretched out on the bed she walks over and pulls it off then tosses it into a chair. I walk over to her and kiss her then run my hands under her shirt she pulls it off and drops it in the floor I run my hands down her side and there is now a wolf on her skin looking back at me she had gotten a tattoo. She pulls off my shirt and I push her back on the bed then get on top of her. Her fingertips slowly go down my chest then she slowly unzips my pants.

 Her fingertips slowly go down my chest then she slowly unzips my pants

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The bracelet Nick got for Mal

The Wolf tattoo Mallory had gotten.

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