Chapter 45

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Howie, Nick and Kevin go with the girls to the medical center Brian and I stay with our bodyguards and security I walk over to one of them then nod to the group of girls "so what happens to them?" One of the security members look at me "For the remainder of the cruise we will keep them in custody then once the ship docks they will be handed over to the police." I nod my head "Will they serve any time at all?" One of our body guards look at me "It's very likely that they will you could get them for assault if they girls are willing to press charges." I nod my then leave the body guards, security, and Brian there to continue dealing with the group of girls and I walk off to let the other guys know what will happen the group.

" I nod my then leave the body guards, security, and Brian there to continue dealing with the group of girls and I walk off to let the other guys know what will happen the group

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Vanessa's POV

Kevin is sitting next to me while my wrist is being wrapped I wince then take a deep breath as the nurse finishes up and starts to put on some medical tape. Kevin looks at me "Are you okay Ness?" I nod my head "I'm fine Kev it's only a sprained wrist." The nurse makes me take two pain killers and I take them she looks at me "If it starts hurting just take something for the pain and be sure that you ice the wrist." I nod my head then the nurse let's me leave while we are walking down the hall Kevin starts holding my hand that isn't wrapped up "Are you sure you're okay Ness?" I nod "Yes Kev I'm fine." If he kept up tonight was going to be a really long.

Mallory's POV

I wince in pain and mutter a few not nice words when one of the nurses runs his fingers over my scalp and asking me if it hurts when he does the answer is hell yes it hurts Nick reaches over and holds my hand "How are you feeling sweetie?" I look at him "I'm fine Nicky I promise." The nurse shines a small light in my eyes and I have to tell him my name, where I live and what day it is I roll my eyes when he finishes asking me questions then the nurse walks over and looks at the X-Rays they did with a small machine. He walks over to me and Nick "You have a slight concussion that could cause migraines, dizziness, possible nausea and fatigue get some rest and take something for the headache and someone will need to watch you for the night." He goes to hand me a piece of paper but Nick snatches it before I can "I'll take that and I will handle watching you tonight too." The nurse nods then let's me leave I look over at Nick while we are going back to our room and wonder just how much fun I'm going to have with nurse Nick.

Stacey's POV

"Howie you and the guys showed up before they had a chance to do anything to me I'm fine I really don't have to be here I promise." He looks over at me "I would feel a lot better if you had the ultrasound anyway." I roll my eyes and sight then lay back on the bed as the doctor walks over with the portable ultrasound machine he pours some of the gel on my stomach and it's cold a few minutes later he pulls up a picture of our baby then turns on the sound. Howie and I get to hear our baby's heartbeat he reaches over and holds my hand "That's our baby Stac." I smile and nod my head then the doctor looks over at us "Both of them are fine I just recommend some rest after the excitement from today." He let's me leave and Howie and I go back to our room we are both happy that the baby is happy and safe.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa and I walk in the room and I fix the bed prop up some pillows then she gets in the bed and lays down I pick up the phone and order us some room service then look over at Vanessa." Do you want to take a bath are you okay?" She looks at me "Kev I'm fine you don't have to do any of this." I walk over and sit down on the bed next to her and hold her hand "I'm so sorry that this happened to you I want to make it better please let me take care of you." She sits up and puts her hands on my shoulders and I look at her as she starts running her fingers through my hair "You don't have to this isn't your fault Kevin." I nod my head then go to answer the door when room service shows up I answer the door then the two of us sit down on the bed and even though she only let's me do a little she does let me wait on her.

Howie's POV

When Stacey and I go in our room I fix the bed she lays down I look at her "Do you want a foot rub or a back massage?" She shakes her head no "Lay with me?" I kick off my shoes then get in bed and wrap my arms around her "I'm sorry for what happened today." She stops me before I can continue "It's not your fault and nothing happened I'm fine I promise." "I'm always going to take care of you and protect you and the baby no matter what." The two of us lay in bed together and enjoy this moment we are having.

Nick's POV

I help Mallory get in the bed and she lays back on the pillows I look over at her "Do you want your walking dead blanket, are you hungry, does your head still hurt?" She looks at me "Nick I'm fine." I sit down next to her "Are you sure you don't need anything." "Nick I said I'm fine stop asking okay!!!!" "I'm sorry for caring and I'm sorry for what happened today." Her voice softens and I feel her hand on my soulder "Nicky wait." I turn and look back at her and she's looking at me I'm sorry for being difficult I'm just not used to having to stay in bed and do nothing but I do want you to stay in bed with me please?" I smile and lay down next to me she curls up against my chest and I wrap my arms around her I would get her anything that she asked for no matter what she needed or wanted and if I was what she wanted I was more than happy to lay next to her and hold her.

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