Chapter 5

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Nick's POV

I walk through the dining room and chat with a few people here and there and my eyes keep going to the door in hopes that I might catch her walking in the room. There were a few girls with brown hair but it was either to dark or to light and the one girl that did have her hair color had blue eyes instead of green ones. I let out a sigh and keep walking around the room chatting even though my mind is somewhere else and I wonder if the girls Howie and Kevin met have come in yet.

Howie's POV

We are all talking to fans before we have to take our seats and I look up and see Kevin standing by a table but he keeps glancing toward the door every time it opens he must be looking for the girl he met earlier today. I look on the other side of the room and see that Nick keeps doing the same thing, I couldn't blame them I had been doing the same thing since we walked in the room. Every time the door opened I looked up and hoped the next girl walking the room was Stacey but I wasn't that lucky I look over at Kevin and Nick and wonder if they are thinking the same thing I am.

Vanessa's POV

I walk in the dining room with Stacey and Mallory following behind me we stop and Mallory props against the wall to adjust her shoes and I scan the room for Kevin but I'm momentarily blinded by camera flashes. Today had been a great first day and even though he isn't in here no I hope I get to see Kevin again.

Stacey's POV

We wait on Mallory before we go find somewhere to sit down I look around the room that was quickly filling up with people you could easily fit over five hundred people in here. I see someone who could possibly be Brian but the lights are too dim to get a decent look plus more and more people are starting to walk in. I stay positive today was only the first day I could still bump into Howie again.

Mallory's POV

I look up from fixing my shoe and look through room trying to find blonde hair and shining blue eyes, two unbelievable things had happened today number one I was on a cruise ship and number two I had met Nick. He was such an amazing person and he was really sweet too I really hoped I got to see him again soon.


At the same time we all glance up at the door and stop what we are doing because she is here we look around and then we all start walking toward each other and we meet in the middle of the room. We all look in the same direction but point at different girls "That's her." We all say at the same time then walk over to them and they smile when they see us walking toward them. When we are standing front of the three of them they look up at us and they all look amazing "Would you like to sit with us?" they look at each other and nod their heads and we start walking by to the table with the girls by our sides we get to our table Brian and AJ look up at us. "This is Brian and his girlfriend Leigh Anne and this is AJ and his girlfriend Rochelle." They all smile and say hello to each other then we pull out their chairs they sit down and we sit down next to them during dinner we all talk and make jokes that make everyone laugh. For the first day it was turning out to be a really good one maybe there would be more nights like this one and more days like what we had with them today.

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