Chapter 30

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No one's POV

One year has passed since everyone got to see each other again in that year Howie and Stacey got married, Kevin proposed to Vanessa and she said yes as for Mallory and Nick they were dating. It was now time for another BSB Cruise and the three couples were going one couple was celebrating their engagement, one couple was going for their honeymoon trip and for Nick he wanted to go back to where it all started so he could propose to Mallory. The next two weeks were going to be very eventful for everyone especially for these three couples.

Kevin's POV

After being stopped by fans for pictures and other things Vanessa and I finally make it to our room she sits her bag on the bed then I walk in and shut the door behind us. She turns around and looks at me I take her hand and look at the ring on her hand "Are you still sure you want to marry me things can get pretty crazy at times." She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck "I love you Kevin and I want to marry you no matter how crazy things can get." "I love you Ness." I kiss her and wrap my arms around her waist then she kisses back and looks up at me "I love you too Kevin."

Vanessa's POV

I finish unpacking then turn around and look at Kevin who has a mischievous look on his face "What are you up to Kev?" He smiles "Nothing I was just wondering when you were going to go see Stacey and Mallory?" I gasp I hadn't seen the two of them in months Stacey and Howie haven't been married that long and Mallory had gone with Nick on his last tour "They're here?" Kevin nods "Howie and Stacey are down the hall from us and Mallory and Nick are at the very far end of the hall." I run out of the room and walk down the hall to Howie and Stacey's room then knock on the door and Stacey opens it.

Stacey's POV

I see Vanessa and we look at each other and squeal then hug each other I see the ring on her hand "Kevin proposed?" She smiles and nods her head "We are celebrating the engagement while we are on the cruise what about you and Howie?" I smile "Everything is great this is our honeymoon trip." Vanessa looks at me "You look amazing Stac I'm happy for you." "Thanks I'm happy for you too." I sigh in relief she didn't notice so that was good I look at her "So have you seen Mal and Nick yet?" She shrugs her shoulders "I didn't see them when we were coming in but Kevin said their room was at the far end of the hall." "Let's go see if they are here then." "Awesome." I shut the door and we start walking down the hall toward Nick and Mallory's room.

Nick's POV

I look up from the bed when Mal walks out of the bathroom in a blue bikini she walks over to the bed and gets on top of me then starts kissing down my neck "How about you go swimming with me?" I kiss her and she kisses back then pull apart from each other I roll over and get on top of her and I trace my initials on her side. She looks up at me then kiss her again and start kissing down her neck then there is a knock on the door she sighs and grabs my arms "Please don't answer that." I smile and look down at her "I have to it might be one of the guys." I get up then walk over to the door and open it and see Vanessa and Stacey standing there.

" I get up then walk over to the door and open it and see Vanessa and Stacey standing there

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Mallory's POV

I get off the bed and walk over to the door to see who Nick is talking to and he looks at me "I believe someone is here to see you." I look at him and he steps out of the way I gasp when I see Vanessa and Stacey standing there "You're here!!" I hug both of them then Vanessa looks at me "Come with us so we can catch up?" I look at Nick and he nods "Go have some girl time." I kiss him then follow them out of the room as we start walking up to the deck I feel Stacey nudge my side "How are things with you and Nick?" "Things are great the tour was amazing and I love him." I look over at Ness and she's looking at my side "Nice tattoo things must be going great." I look down at Nick's initials on my side "Yeah we got them during the tour he has my initials on his side too." They both look at me "aww." I blush but don't say anything because I think it's too soon.

" I blush but don't say anything because I think it's too soon

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Pictures: Mal's Bikini and Nick's initials tattoo on her side

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Pictures: Mal's Bikini and Nick's initials tattoo on her side

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