Chapter 4

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Nick's POV

I'm hungry and it's still awhile before the guys said it would be later on before we would all meet up to go to dinner, I walk out of my room and go down the hall go up some stairs then open the door and step outside into the sun. I look out at the water and take a deep breath and let the rich salty air fill my lungs then slowly exhale. I start walking by the railing stopping to say hello to the fans that see me and the further down I walk the less people I meet they must be exploring or getting into the ship's pools already. I stop when I see a tiny snack stand sitting away from everything and there is only one girl sitting there I walk over and sit down on the stoop next to her the worker comes over and takes my order then I look back at the girl "Hi I'm Nick." She moves her brown hair away from her face and I meet a pair of green eyes as she gives me a friendly smile. "I'm Mallory." I smile back "Nice to meet you." While we are sitting there together we make small talk and have a conversation I look at her "Is this your first BSB Cruise?" She looks up at me "It's my first cruise ever my friends told me we were just going to the beach I hate boats I'm always afraid they are going to sink." Well that explained why she was away from the water. I smile "Don't worry about it you will have so much fun you will forget about your fear." She shrugs "Thanks I really look forward to it." She wasn't the only one because now I was too.

Mallory's POV

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Mallory's POV

Nick and I sit and talk for a while I learn about him and he asks me questions and listens to every answer I give him we both pull out our phones then look down at them. I was supposed to meet with Vanessa and Stacey in five minutes and if I wanted to make it there on time I had to leave right now I look at Nick just as he looks at me and at the same time we both say "I have to go." I step off the stool and I feel a hand on my shoulder I turn around and look back at Nick and he looks at me "Will I see you again?" I smile "It's a boat there are only so many places I can go in the middle of the ocean." I wink then start walking off leaving Nick behind with a smile on his face. Stacey and Vanessa were going to kill me if I was late.


Brian and I look up when we see Kevin, Nick and Howie walking toward us from three different directions they all reach us at the same time and have the same similar looks on their faces I look at the three of them "So what did you do today?" at the same time they all answer with "I met a girl." I laugh and Brian gives the three of them a look "You three better get ready we have to go eat soon it starts in thirty minutes." They all nod their heads and go to their rooms and I just shake my head at the three of them. It was only the first day and the three of them were already in trouble and meeting girls I look down at my watch then wait on the three love birds to get ready for dinner.

Vanessa's POV

Stacey and I are getting ready for dinner when the door opens and Mallory walks in then props on the door trying to catch her breath I finish hooking my necklace then turn around and look at her "Where were you?" She looks at the two of us with a huge smile on her face. "At a snack bar how was your day?" I think about my day then I smile too "It was great I met Kevin while I was on deck today and we sat and talked." Stacey walks over and joins the conversation "I bumped into Howie while I was walking around the ship today." Then we both turn and look at Mallory "I met Nick at the snack bar we both left just a few minutes ago." We all laugh we had gotten to spend time with our favorite backstreet boy. I look at Mallory who is still standing against the door "Get ready dinner is in thirty minutes." Stacey and I finish getting ready then a little while later Mal walks out of the bathroom wearing a plain black strapless dress with a pair of black heels. I look at her "Are you ready?" She nods her head then three of us walk out of the room.

Kevin's POV

The guys and I are walking through the dining room stopping to talk to our fans and to take pictures I look up every time the door opens and look carefully at every girl with dark brown hair. I keep hoping that maybe one of them would be Vanessa but so far I haven't seen her yet before we came in the guys and I talked and apparently Howie met a girl named Stacey and Nick had met a girl named Mallory earlier today.

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