Chapter 20

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Vanessa's POV

The next morning I get woke up by knocking on the door I walk over and open it to see a girl standing there with a bouquet of roses in her arms she looks up at me "Are you Vanessa?" I nod my head "Yes I am." "These are for you." She hands me the roses then walks off I walk in the room and pull the card off the roses and read it to myself. "Vanessa I've had a lot of fun getting to know you our next stop is tomorrow and I would love it if you would come with me again see you soon, Kev." I smile then look at the roses in my hand each one is a different color. I lean in and smell them then put them in a vase of water then walk over and sit on the bed and admire the roses. They were beautiful and I have never seen roses like them before.

 They were beautiful and I have never seen roses like them before

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Stacey's POV

Vanessa walks out of the room Mallory and I look at the flowers Kevin left her he did a great we hear a knock on the door then Mallory looks over at me "You're close you answer the door." "Fine." I walk over and answer the door and see a guy standing there with roses . He looks at me "Are you Stacey?" "Yes." "Flowers for you." I take the flowers and he leaves I walk in the room and pull of the card then read it "I can't wait to see you again I hope you will come with me on the stop tomorrow see you then Howie D." I smile and place my flowers in a vase next to my bed the sun shines in through the window and shines down on the flowers. I turn and look at Mallory who is looking at the two bouquets of roses "I'm going to go get something to eat do you want to come with me?" She shakes her head "No thanks I'll stay her for a bit." I shrug my shoulders "Suit yourself." I look at the roses one more time then walk out of the room.

" I look at the roses one more time then walk out of the room

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Mallory's POV

I sit on my bed and turn the page in the book I'm reading I look over at the two bunches of flowers that are sitting across the room from me and let out a sigh. I was happy for them and I'm glad things were going well for the two of them I wondered how well things were going between me and Nick. My thoughts are cut short when I hear a knock on the door I walk over and open it to see a woman standing there with a bouquet of roses she looks at me "Are you Mallory?" "Yeah that's me." She hands me the flowers "they are for you." Then she walks away I turn and walk in the room then shut the door behind me and I manage to find a third vase for my own flowers and sit them on the table next to my bed. I pick up the card and read it "But we are two floors apart can't reach to your heart I really hope you will come with me tomorrow I can't wait to see you again, Nicky." I smile and look over at the roses then gently run my fingertips over the delicate flower petals.

" I smile and look over at the roses then gently run my fingertips over the delicate flower petals

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The next day we are all waiting for the girls to show up so we can all go out together as a group so we can go sightseeing a few minutes later we see them walking toward us they walk over and the one Howie has been seeing is wearing a blue Kentucky shirt which grabs Kevin's attention. Nick smiles when Mallory walks over and stands next to him. We all look at them and say hello a few minutes later we all walk off the ship as a group and get started on the day we will be spending together.

Girl's POV

While we are out walking and sightseeing Kevin starts talking to Stacey about her shirt and her accent she tells him where she's from and her cousin is a teacher where he went to school we continue sightseeing and Nick keeps brushing up against Mallory. We walk for a few hours before we stop for lunch and we go to a small outdoor restaurant while we are eating we sit and talk to each other once we finish eating we all decide to go down to the beach. Kevin and Vanessa get in the water, Howie and Stacey find a spot on the beach and sit down, While Nick and Mallory start walking down the beach together the day continues and when the sun starts setting we decide now would be a good time for dinner. During Dinner we keep glancing at each other Vanessa's eyes meet Kevin's for a quick glance, Howie and Stacey share secret looks with each other and while neither one of them are looking Nick looks at Mal and when he would look away she would look at him


Vanessa's Roses

Stacey's Roses

Mallory's Roses

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