Chapter 28

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Vanessa's POV

While we are bowling I'm standing there waiting to take my turn and I feel hands run up and down my side then a pair of fingertips trail down my back I turn around and see Kevin standing behind me. He wraps his arms around me then kisses me I kiss back and wrap my arms around neck but sadly our kiss is interrupted by Howie "Hey love birds it's her turn Kevin." I pick up my ball ad walk over to the lane then toss it and watch it roll down the lane and it knocks over every single pin "Strike!!!!" I walk back over and sit down then watch Kevin take his turn this was a great date and I was having a really good time.

Stacey's POV

Howie and I stand together watching Kevin take his turn during mini golf he takes his turn then misses and yells about it the two of us laugh then Vanessa steps up and takes her turn. Howie pulls me to him and I look at him then he kisses me I kiss back and grab his shirt then Vanessa ruins our moment to payback for Howie interrupting them earlier "Yo Stac you're up." I roll my eyes and Howie laughs as we pull away I walk over and hit the ball probably a lot harder than I should have but it sinks into the hole anyway. I walk past Kevin who is mumbling about beginner's luck today was amazing and I was having a lot of fun.

Kevin's POV

I was having a great time with Vanessa I had really missed her over the past few weeks and I was happy I would be getting to spend the next week with her. I go to take another turn while we are playing mini golf and I miss again I hate this game and I didn't see the point of it I never needed to meet the person who came up with this game that's for sure. I roll my eyes as Howie takes a turn then hits the ball in on his first try this game was rigged I walk over and stand by Vanessa and put my arm around her waist being with her again made losing mini golf worth it.

Howie's POV

I was in a great mood, I was getting to spend the next week with Stacey and for now I was winning at mini golf I had really missed her and it felt good to be back with her after being apart. I was starting to become friends with her friend Vanessa so I had a feeling this was going to be a really good week after I take my turn I stand by Stacey then hold her hand while Vanessa takes her turn. Today had been a great day for all four of us.

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