Chapter 6

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Vanessa's POV

After dinner we all get up and start go our separate ways but I stop walking when I hear my name being called I turn around and see Kevin walking toward me. He smiles when he reaches me "Hey." I smile "Hi Kevin." He runs his hand through his hair then scratches at the back of his neck "I was wondering if you would like to go for a walk with me up on the deck?" My inner fangirl was screaming and going crazy I couldn't believe it but I manage to stay calm and keep myself together "I'd love to." Kevin and I start walking around then we get outside on the deck I look up at the night sky. The moon is full and shining down on the water and the stars are brightly shining as well "It's beautiful." "Yeah it is." I look over at Kevin but instead of him looking at the night sky he's looking at me.

Howie's POV

I walk through the crowd of people that are walking out at the same time I am and once I get through the crowd I finally catch up with Stacey I smile at her "Hello." . She smiles back "Hello to you too Howie." We laugh then I look at her "I was thinking about going to the casinos for a little bit would you like to come with me?" "Sure sounds fun." I smile "Great." Then both start walking down the hall together in the direction of the casinos

Mallory's POV

I start walking down the hall in the direction of our room when I look up and see a smiling Nick in front of me "Hey Nick." He keeps smiling "Hey." He was so cute I look at him "I told you I could only go so many places on the ship." He laughs "Yes you did but I didn't know I would get to see you again this soon." I laugh and he looks at me "Would you like to walk with me for a while?" I nod "yeah that sounds great." He starts walking then turns and looks back at me and I walk over and start walking next to him.

Nick's POV

I look over at her as we are walking "What do you think of the cruise?" she shrugs her shoulders "For the first day it wasn't bad I'm having fun so far." I nod my head "Are you still afraid of being on a cruise ship?" She looks around "That's going to take a little longer than one day I'm still a little shaky but that might change." Well that took our the topics of conversation what could I possibly say to her now and I start trying to think of things we could talk about. Then I hear her voice "Tell me about you?" For me that was different because most girls knew everything about me and some of the stuff they knew was scary. We keep walking and I tell her about myself and I would answer when she had a question about me or an experience I had while being on tour once. She really wanted to know about me and I could tell that she cared about what I was saying.

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