Chapter 37

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Stacey's POV

We are all sitting there and I laugh at Howie but I start to get a funny feeling in my stomach I get up and walk a few feet away then start throwing up Mallory and Vanessa get up and walk over to me then start asking questions. Howie walks over to us "Stac you okay?" I nod my head and sit up "Yeah everything is fine I must have ate something bad at breakfast." Vanessa puts her hand on my shoulder "are you sure you're okay?" I nod my head "Everything is fine." Howie walks back over to the guys and the three of us walk back over to our chairs then sit down.

Nick's POV

Once the hula lesson is over I walk over where the girls are sitting and Mallory looks up at me I hold my hand out "I believe you promised me a work out in the water?" She smiles and takes my hand and stands up "You're right I did." We walk over and get in the water then she turns around and splashes me I splash back then pull her to me and wrap my arms around her. She looks up at me and wraps her arms around my neck I look at her "Let's get married here." She looks around then back at me "In Hawaii?" I nod my head "It doesn't have to be huge Mal just our friends and family what do you think?" She kisses me and I kiss back then pull away and she's smiling "I love that idea Nick."

Kevin's POV

I walk over to Vanessa "I'm going surfing with Howie she nods her head "Be careful and have fun babe." I kiss her and nod my head "I'll be fine Ness I promise.' I walk over and grab the board then walk over and get in the water and wait on Howie to get finished talking to Stacey before I start heading out to catch some waves.

Howie's POV

"If you're still sick I don't have to go surfing with Kevin." She sighs "Howie I'm fine I promise." I look at her and go to take a step but stop "Are you sure because I can stay here." She gives me a look and I know I'm going to be a whole lot safer in the water if I keep checking on her. "I'm going to go find Kevin and go surfing." She smiles and waves "Have fun I love you honey." I nod my head then grab a board and head out to the water then Kevin and I start paddling out for the waves.

Girl's POV

We are all sitting on the beach when Vanessa looks over at Mallory "so you and Nick are engaged?" Mallory smiles then looks down at her ring "we are he's the best." We all smile and look at her ring again he did a great job choosing the ring Stacey looks at her "Do you and Nick know anything about your wedding yet?" Mallory nods her head "We are going to get married here it was Nick's idea." Vanessa and Stacey both aww then Vanessa looks over at her "A beach wedding is going to be beautiful Mal." Mallory nods her head "I know I'm really excited." We were all excited about the up coming weddings.

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