Chapter 48

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Nick's POV

Mallory and I get up the next morning and after breakfast we continue our house hunting adventure. The first house we go to I think is too small and Mallory makes a face when she sees the size of what our potential bedroom would be. We leave and go the second house it was nice but as soon as the two of us got out of my car I got ambushed by a large group of fans so I decided this may not be the best place for the two of us to buy a house we get back in my car and start driving. A little while later Mallory puts her hand on my thigh "Nick Stop the car!!!" I quickly stop in the middle of the road then look over at her "What is it what's wrong?" She gets out and shuts the door then I get out and walk over to her side of the car "Why did you want me to stop so fast?" She points "I like that house." I turn and look where she is pointing and I see a lake house, it looks great and it will be the perfect size for us I smile and look at her I can tell that she is already happy "I like the house too I will call and see if we can look at it today." She lets out a scream then hugs me and wraps her arms around my neck I hug back and wrap my arms around her waist. It wasn't for sure yet but we might have just found our house.

Mallory's POV

Nick and I walk through the house and as we look through the rooms I start planning and picturing where I would put things and what I want our bedroom to look like. We keep walking and walk down to the dock that stretches out over the lake he holds my hand and looks over at me "Do you want the house?" I look at him "What do you think about the house Nick?" He looks at the house then back at me "I do like the house but I want to make sure that you are happy that's all that I care about."  I wrap my arms around his neck "I love the house and I want you to be happy too Nick." He kisses me and wraps his arms around my waist and I kiss back we pull apart and he looks at me "I'm getting this house." I wrap my arms around his waist then lay my head on his chest we stand there for a while and watch the sun set "Hey Mal?" I look at him "Yes Nicky?" "I love you." I smile then place a kiss on the side of his neck "I love you too Nick."


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