Chapter 47

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Kevin's POV

I button my jacket on my tux then fix the tie this was the final time I would try it on before my wedding I step back and look at myself in the mirror I looked pretty good. I look around at all of the guys Howie and Brian are standing in their tuxes fixing the sleeves, AJ is having a few adjustments made to his but nothing to extreme because he knows Vanessa would kill him then there is Nick who keeps pulling and tugging at his shirt collar I stop and look over at him. "How are you going to deal with wearing a tux when you and Mallory get married?" He shrugs his shoulders and looks over at me "We've talked about it and we are getting married in Hawaii so I could trunks and a t-shirt." AJ starts laughing "That's going to go over really well Mallory would kill you for that." We all laugh and finish up having the last adjustments made to our suits.

Vanessa's POV

I hear Mallory let out a yelp I look over and realize she got stuck by a pin I laugh and she glares at me I look at Stacey who is standing in her dress and she looks amazing the dress fits her perfectly and it covers her six month baby bump. She looks at me and smiles "Are you excited?" I nod "I can't wait to marry Kevin." She nods her head "I felt that way when Howie and I were getting ready for our wedding." The two of us look at Mallory and I clear my throat "What about you and Nick?" She looks at me "Beach wedding in Hawaii." We wait for her to say more then Stacey looks at her "Anything else?" Mallory shakes her head "we haven't talked about it." I had to find out why they weren't planning their wedding.

Kevin's POV

I stand up when Vanessa walks in the house she walks over to me and I kiss her then wrap my arms around her waist then she kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck. She looks up at me "How did everything go with the guys?" "Everything went great AJ made a few adjustments to his tux and Nick kept picking at his how was your day?" She shrugs her shoulders "The dresses fit but I need you to do me a big favor." I nod my head "Sure what do you need?" She looks up at me "I need you to take Nick out for a day talk to him and see why him and Mallory aren't planning their wedding." When she asked me for a favor I wasn't expecting this "Maybe they don't want to rush things they might be taking it slow." She looks at me "I think it is more than that you are going to talk to him and I'll talk to Mallory." I knew she wasn't going to let this go so I might as well agree "Fine I'll go talk to Nick."

Nick's POV

A few days later Mallory and I are hanging out at home still looking for a new house we haven't found the right one for us yet I get up and kiss her head when there is a knock on the door I open it and see Kevin standing there. "Hey Kev what's up?" "Oh not much just came to see if you wanted to hang out?" I wasn't busy or anything like that but I wanted to make sure the two of us didn't have any plans just as I go to ask her I see her walk up next to me it was like she could read my mind sometimes. She looks at Kevin "Hey Kevin." He nods "Hi Mal." I look at her "Is it okay if I go with Kevin?" She nods "Yeah sure go out have fun." I kiss her then grab my phone and leave the house with Kevin.

Mallory's POV

I'm sitting on the couch watching TV after Nick left with Kevin the show had my full attention until I hear a knock on the door I sigh and get up then walk over and open the doo to see Vanessa standing there I didn't know she was coming over but maybe she wanted something to do while Kevin was gone. "Hey Ness what's up?" She looks at me "Just thought I would come see you for awhile since the guys were out." I nod my head "come on in." She walks in and I shut the door then the two of us walk in the living room and sit down on the couch. I pick up the remote and turn off the tv and look over at her before I have the chance to say anything she catches me off guard by asking me "Why aren't you and Nick planning your wedding?"

Kevin's POV

I wasn't sure on what I should say or how I should do what Vanessa asked me I was just going to bring it up and get everything over with. I look over at Nick "So how are things with you and Mal?" He looks up at me "It's great the two of us are looking for a house and we are talking about getting a dog." I nod my head "That sounds great." A smile forms on his face "She makes me happy Kevin I'm glad I met her." Everything sounded okay they were looking for a house, talking about a dog, and he just said she made him happy so I don't see what the problem is now was the time to ask the harder questions. I run my hand through my hair "If everything is so great why aren't the two of your planning your wedding?" He looks at me "Stacey and Howie are having a baby, you and Vanessa are getting married, we are looking for a house, plus we haven't been together long we just want to take things slow." I had been right all along Vanessa was going to hate this.

Mallory's POV

I wasn't expecting her question and I was a little caught off guard by it I sit up and look at her "Everyone is busy enough as it is, Nick and I are looking for a house, you and Kevin are getting married plus Howie and Stacey are going to have a baby in a few months Nick and I are happy with how things are between us." Vanessa looks at me and gives me a nod to continue "I think Nick is amazing and I love him he loves me why are you asking?" She shrugs "You are one of my best friends I'm worried about the two of you I was just wondering why the two of you wanted to wait?" I nod my head "You don't have to worry about Nick and I we are doing great we will get married and when the two of us start planning our wedding you will be the first one to know I promise." She smiles and we continue talking for a few more hours she gets up and looks at me "I better go Kevin will be home soon." I nod my head then we hug and she leaves the house I walk over and sit down on the couch then turn the TV back on and wait on Nick to get back home.

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