Chapter 11

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Nick's POV

She said walker that means she watches The Walking Dead I look over at her "Do you watch The Walking Dead?" She looks back at me "Yeah do you?" I nod my head "I love The Walking Dead." This becomes our conversation topic while we are looking for something to eat I look over at her "How far in are you?" She shrugs her shoulders "Somewhere in season four I don't know what episode." We could still talk but there was a lot she didn't know about yet and I didn't want to spoil what happens for her. She looks over at me "What are all of you walking dead fans going to do if the show ends and it is just Rick dreaming in the hospital?" I look at her "Don't say that it would be cruel if it ended that way" She laughs we keep walking and start discussing the first episode of The Walking Dead.

Third Person POV

The next day was a free day and the boys had nothing going on for that day, Brian and AJ were off with their girlfriends while Howie, Nick and Kevin were spending their day off with Stacey, Vanessa, and Mallory to continue getting to know them better but little did they know about the trouble that was also brewing on the ship. Since the first day a group of girls had been following the guys around dead set on getting attention from Howie, Nick, and Kevin themselves. Over the past few days the girls had noticed that the guys had been spending a lot of their free time with other girls and that was not part of their plan the girls were here for one reason and one reason only. Someone would just have to tell the girls the guys have been hanging out with how things were really going to go over the next two weeks of the cruise.

Kevin's POV

Our first stop was coming up in a few days and we would be stopping in the Bahamas I was still getting to know Vanessa and we were running out of places to go on the ship. Today we had plans to meet and go to lunch I wanted to continue talking with her and getting to know her and I've decided I'm going to ask her to come with me when we stop. I look up at her when she walks over to me "Hi Kevin." "Hey Vanessa." We walk in a restaurant get seated then while we are waiting on our food I look over at her "Would you like to go somewhere with me when we make the first stop?"

Howie's POV

Over the last few days I had spent a lot of time with Stacey and I enjoyed it I had been doing a lot of thinking since we would be stopping in the Bahamas soon and I had the idea of asking her to come with dinner with me. We were meeting today at one of the bars on the ship I see her walking toward me and I smile at her then she smiles back. I look at her and scratch the back of my neck "So before we go in I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me when make our first stop?"

Nick's POV

The past few days had been great any free time I had I tried to spend it with Mallory we had lunch together and we had gone on a lot of walks talking about different things. I knew our first stop was in a few days and I wanted to do something fun together. She smiles when she looks up and sees me standing next to her "Our first stop is in the Bahamas so I was thinking maybe you, me, the sun and some time on the beach?"

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