Chapter 8

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Mallory's POV

The three of us wake up the next morning and start getting ready for the first day's activities they were going to do a concert plus a Q and A session I walk over start looking for something to wear when Vanessa walks out of the bathroom already dressed she looks at me "Wait I have something for you." She pulls out a bag then hands it to me I open it and pull out a black bikini top with matching pair of bottoms I stare at the items in my hand with horror "What is this?" She looks at me in confusion "It's a bathing suit?" I look down at it "I can see that but where is the rest of it?" "Mal just calm down you can wear regular clothes over it if you want to." I roll my eyes then grab some clothes "Unbelievable." Then I walk in the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

" Then I walk in the bathroom and shut the door behind me

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Stacey's POV

We finish then go up on deck and find a good spot for the concert the guys are doing today and the whole time we are walking to the deck Vanessa and I hear Mallory grumbling and complaining about the fact that she is wearing a bikini. I try my hardest not to laugh but with every comment she makes it gets a lot harder and finally she says something that sends me over the edge and I start laughing and so does Vanessa. Mallory let's out a sigh "It's not funny." Then she starts walking ahead of us and when we reach the deck she walks over and sits in a chair and crosses her arms over her chest Vanessa and I laugh again then sit down a few chairs away from her so she can have the chance to calm down a bit.

Brian's POV

The guys and I are getting ready I keep glancing over at Kevin, Nick, and Howie they were all looking forward to today don't get me wrong I was always excited to perform and meet fans but for some reason today felt different. Then there was the fact the three of them disappeared after dinner and came back at different times plus Nick had already managed to lose one of his jackets. I look over at AJ then back at the three of them and decided to address the elephant in the room "What's up with the three of you you're all acting really strange?" They all look at each other but don't say anything they just stand there looking at me and I let out a sigh. "Care to share Kev?"

Kevin's POV

I couldn't believe he was picking on me why didn't he choose Nick or Howie they were out late too especially Nick because he came in after I did. "I met a really great girl named Vanessa and I hope she shows up today I walked her back to her room last night after dinner." They had met her last night while she was sitting with us at dinner so there was no point in trying to hide it and it would be stupid for me to lie about it too so I might as well just go ahead and tell the truth. Brian looks at Howie and Nick "I'm just going to assume the two of you have a similar story?" Two of the biggest and goofiest grins I have ever seen appear on their face and I already know their answer but they say it out loud anyway. Howie answer with "Pretty much." And Nick answers with "Yeah." Before Brian has the chance to say anything else there is a knock on the door then it opens and one of the activities directors pops their head in "It's time to start." We nod and follow him out the door and up on deck.

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