Screw you, Ethan

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"Ethan." He had been staring at the floor for around 6 minutes. What was going on?

I walk up to him. "Ethan, please talk to me. What's going on?" I reach onto and grab Ethan hand.

He looks up at me. His eyes look sad.

I don't say anything. I couldn't say anything.

"Megan, there's something you don't know. The truth. It was no accident how I got locked in the school with you. It was a bet. This whole thing has just been for money. I bet my best friend that I could get you to sleep with me for $200 and well, I purposely stayed in the school during the storm, but it stopped being a bet to me. I've really fallen for you and I'm not gonna accept the money. I ended up falling in love with you Megan. I really hope you'll find a way to forgive me for deceiving you."

I stand frozen, unable to feel anything. This can't be real. This is a dream. This isn't happening.

"Take your time to-"

"Don't talk to me!" I interrupt.

"Megan I'm so sorry but I really-"

"No! From now on we are not friends, we are not together, we are nothing! I am simply staying with you until my parents get back and then we will never speak again and as far as I'm concerned there's no reason for us to speak while I'm here! You're dead to me Ethan!"

I run up into the room I'm staying in and slam the door shut.


Ethan pov

20 minutes earlier.

I don't care, I don't care about the stupid bet, I don't care about what my friends think. I don't care. I want to be with her and I'm going to be with her as soon as I tell her the truth. I have to tell her the truth. I just really hope she'll be able to forgive me.

Present time

It's done. I fucked up! She's not ever going to forgive me. I slam my fist again the table. What was I thinking? Who does something like that to anyone?

It's over!


Megan's pov

Hey sweetie, it's your mom. I just wanted to let you know that something came up and we'll be home tomorrow. Miss you bunches!! Xoxo!

I toss my phone on the bed. Perfect timing considering I don't even think I could stay here for much longer. I can't believe I almost had this pricks child! I'm so trusting. Of course someone like Ethan would never give me the time of day. From now on I just need to focus on school and getting the hell out of here.

My phone rings with an unidentified number on the screen.

"Megan speaking." I say picking up the phone.

"Uh yes, hello Ms Parker. It is to my embarrassment to inform you there was a mistake with the testing we did earlier. Apparently one of our nurses came back with the wrong results. Again I have to explain how embarrassing this is for us but you are in fact pregnant. It is very early in so you do have options. I'd like to advise you to-"

I hang up the phone.

I load up my search bar and press the number that appeared.

"Women's center, this is Mandi speaking how can I help you?"

"This is Megan Parker, I'd like to make an appointment for an abortion."

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