Big fat bowl of suck

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A week before graduation

"So Ms. Parker, how have things been going lately?"

I hadn't been back to school since Bethany was born but since it was the final week for seniors, I had decide to depart with Bethany to go back to school. It was a lot harder than I had expected.

As soon as I got to first period, I was called down to the guidance counselor's office.

"Good. Things have been good." I give a slight smile.

"Now, I know that you recently had your baby."

I was sitting in front of Ms. Wilkins. She was an awkward women. Mid 30s, deep red hair, glasses. She had a framed picture of her cat sitting on top of desk. She was currently trying to ask me about the baby I gave birth to at 17 without making it uncomfortable between us. She was failing.

"Yeah. Bethany." I say.

"Ah, that's a lovely name." She pauses for a second. "Now have you thought about what you're planning on doing after high school?"

I knew this question was coming but I had hoped it wouldn't. Ever since I found out Ethan was leaving, it's abruptly stopped all my original plans I had. I didn't know what to do now.

"Are you wanting to go to college?"

"Yes. Of course." I tell her.

"Well there are plenty of options. Community colleges will provide a way for you to get the education you need while still being able to come home to Bethany. Now I must inform you, you have been a wonderful student these past four years and you did get noticed by a few colleges, however, if you wanted to attend any of the ones that are interested in you, you would have to leave Bethany. Now many students that get pregnant in high school still attend college, they just leave their child with a grandmother or-"

"I won't be doing that." I interrupt.

Was she seriously suggesting I just hand my kid over to my mom to take care of for four years while I go off to college.

"Okay. That is understandable. I want you to know this won't be easy though. What about the father? What are his plans?"

My eyes start to search the room.

I knew it was necessary to speak with a counselor about college, especially when senior year was over in a week, but I just wasn't comfortable explaining my entire life plan for her.

"You know, you've given a lot of good ideas. I think I'm going to leave and process those for awhile."

I get out of the chair and grab my bag.

"Oh but-"

"Processing." I smile.

I leave the room and head back to class.


I finally made it to last period. First day back, last week of school, and yet it felt like I had been here forever.

I take my seat.

I hadn't spoken to Liam since the accident. I wouldn't dare even look at him after the way I betrayed Ethan, but yet, Liam still managed to start some controversy.

He leans over and whispers. "I can not apologize enough Megan."

My eyes stay fixed on the front board.

"I was way out of line kissing you and I really hope you forgive me."

Irritated at his one sided chatter, I respond.

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