Coming out

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"Charlestown Women's Center, this is Kendra."

"Hi, this is Megan Parker, I called a few days ago about making an appointment. I was wondering what all I'd need to bring with me."

"Insurance card and ID."

"What do I need my ID for?" I asked with a nervous feeling in my gut.

"You must be at least 21 to get an abortion without a parent present, if you are not, you may bring your parent or guardian with you as long as they have their ID."

My stomach churns and I stay silent,

"May I ask your age?" She speaks.

I stay silent.

"Sweetie if you're under the age, can I just give you some advice?"

"Yes." I say softly.

"Tell your parents. You may be scared but trust me, they'll want to help you."

I scoff.

"You don't know my parents. They're Catholic, I guess that makes me Catholic to because I attend the church services, but only because I have no choice. My mom would freak out and cry and my dad would probably kill the father and they defiantly wouldn't let me get an abortion." I state.

"You'd be surprised what your parents will do for you in a situation like this. Talk to them."

I hang up the phone.

I basically have no good choices then.

Choice one. Tell my parents I got knocked up and hope they don't disown me.

Choice two. Run away for nine months, have the baby, then come back and pretend I was kidnapped.

As good as choice two sounded in my head, I know it wasn't logical.

I guess there's no better time than the present.

I head downstairs.

I find my mom typing away on the computer while my dad was watching a football game.

"Mom, dad, I really need to talk to you about something."

"Oh come on!" My dad shouts at the tv. "What is it pumpkin?" His eyes stayed glued to the tv.

"I'd really like it if I could have both of your attention. It's kinda important."

My mom looks away from the computer and at me. It felt as if she was staring into my soul looking for what I was about to say. She was burning through me. She could see past my innocent act.

"Tom." She says to my dad.

He clicks the tv on mute and they both stare at me.

"So you guys know how I was locked in school with moms friends son, well-"

"Oh no! She's going to tell us that she lost her virginity!" My dad jokes.

"Tom please," my mom chuckles. "Our daughter is headed for Princeton, she wouldn't throw her life away and go against the religion for sex."

Tears start feeling my eyes. I couldn't tell them now. They're going to hate me. I'm gonna be a screw up just like Andrew was.

My mom notices my tears. I wipe them away fast.

"Sweetie.." She says.

"It's true." I cry.

"You had sex?" She questions.

I nod.

I look at my dad for a reaction but his face was blank. I couldn't tell if he was upset or sad or anything. He just stood there with a blank expression.

"Sweetie, why would you do that?" My mom questions.

No one was crying or yelling yet so it went better than I had expected.

"I- I don't know." I choke out.

"Was it consensual? Are you okay?" She keeps asking questions.

"Yes." I managed to get out, scared from what my dad was thinking.

"Daddy..." I say quietly.

His eyes shift to the floor.

"Please talk to me."

My mom puts her hand on my dads shoulder.

He looks me in the eyes.

"I'm very disappointed in you Megan."

He never calls me by my first name.

"I'm glad you're okay though."

My mom comes in to hug me.

My stomach sinks when I realize I have to tell them the rest. I had almost forgot.

"Mom." I pull away.

"There's something else.." I look at my dad with guilty eyes trying to apologize.

"I'm pregnant." I mumble while looking at the ground.

My dads eyes fill with anger.

"I have to go." He says, grabbing his keys and walking out the door leaving my mom with tears in her eyes and me with guilt all over.

I'm screwed.

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