Long day

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A week later

"I can't believe we're home." I say exhausted.

I walk into the home that I had spent my time longing for, for a week now.

Ethan walks in behind me carrying Bethany in a car seat carrier.

He hadn't left the hospital once during the week. He stayed with Bethany and I the entire time. He even put up with the hospital food. It was nice having him there. It made it seem like everything was fine, but I knew once we got home we'd have to talk about what happened.

I was happy to be home, but at the same time, dreading to walk through my front door and come to a realization. I wasn't sure if Ethan and I were even together anymore.

Ethan sets Bethany, who was sleeping soundly in her car seat, onto the kitchen table before turning to face me.

"So." He sighs.

"So." I repeat quietly. I was avoiding eye contact because I didn't want to look into his eyes and see how much I hurt him.

"We should probably talk about things." He says.

I nod my head. I wasn't sure by his tone, how he was feeling.

"Can I just say-" He cuts me off.

"Let's just forget it." He says.

I was stunned by how calm he was and also a little confused.

"Forget what?" I ask, making sure what I thought he meant was what he actually meant.

"Let's face it. We both messed up. I shouldn't have ever lied to you in the beginning and you've done things you regret also, but none of that matters now. We have a daughter. A beautiful baby girl and I want to be a family Megan."

My heart flutters as he speaks.

"I'm not going to hold anything against you and I hope you will do the same for me."

I sigh a breath of relief.

"Of course I forgive you Ethan. You've had my forgiveness for awhile now." Then the guilt hits me. "But what I did to you, Ethan it was awful, I just feel like you could never really forgive me for that." I start to stare at the floor. "You said you regretted ever meeting me. I don't blame you."

He steps closer towards me and cups my face in his hands. "Megan, none of this was suppose to happen. To be honest, I should've never met you and Bethany shouldn't even exists, but she does and I did. We've had it rough but even with all the mistakes, I would never want to take any of it back. You're my girl."

I look up at him as a tear rolls down my cheek and a smile starts to tug at my lip.

He smiles back. "I'm going to kiss you now."

I nod as he gently presses his lips on mine and everything was perfect.


"Let me hold her!" Lilly says with a huge smile on her face as she walks closer to Bethany and I on the couch.

Lilly had arrived not even two minutes ago and was already ready to kidnap Bethany away.

I laugh and carefully place Bethany in Lilly's arms.

"Hello Bethany baby." Lilly says, while speaking like a child. "I'm your aunt Lilly and I'm gonna be your best friend."

I smile at the sight of them.

"You be careful with my daughter Lilly." Ethan says seriously as he enters the living room.

Lilly rolls her eyes.

"And that is your daddy. You're gonna have to live with him and the stick up his ass for the next 18 years. Yes you are."

Bethany moves her mouth in a way that looks like a smile.

"Lilly!" Ethan and I say at the same time.

"Oh right. My bad, my bad." She says.

Ethan sits down beside me.

"We sure do have it good." He smiles.

I keep my eyes fixed on Lilly & Bethany. "Yes we do." I smile.

"So graduation is coming up." He starts. "What are your plans?"

I had been so worried about graduation soon approaching. Everything I had hoped for since I was 10 was now not an option and I wasn't even sure what my options were. That's not what scared me the most though. What scared me is not knowing what Ethan was planning on doing after graduation. I know he had goals also.

"I- I don't know." I sigh anxiously.

"What are your plans?"

He scratches the back of his head.

"I don't know anymore."

"Ethan, sweetie." My mom walks into the living room. "Your dad is on the phone. He said he's been trying to reach you."

Ethan stands up and takes the phone from my mom.

"Hey dad." He speaks.

I couldn't stand the thought of me being the reason Ethan was so stuck on his future. He had tried assuring me through this entire thing that Bethany and I were his future but I know he would never reach his full potential stuck here in Alabama.

Ethan hangs up the phone.

I turn to look at him. His expression was pure and utter shock.

"What is it?" I ask him worried.

"That was my dad. He- he just called to tell me that I got accepted into Duke on a full basketball scholarship." He says surprised.

And just like that, everything started to fall apart again.

I have to apologize for how short this chapter was. Please forgive me. The final few will be much longer. I know it's taken me awhile to update. School's been hectic and I've been so busy and tired lately. I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled this week so it might be a few before I can upload again. Please just try to understand.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter though and please leave your comments and opinions. I love hearing from you guys!

Thank you all so much!

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