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Today is my first day back at school since the accident. I ended up leaving school for a month but still collected my work so that I wouldn't fall behind. I didn't even want to go today but my mom kept bringing up how she went back to work a few days after the accident and how I should remember my responsibilities. I knew that work was just how my mother kept herself sane. I knew she was broken in actuality.


I pick up my vibrating phone from off my nightstand.

I'm outside

Ethan had begged to take me to school today. With my dad dying and me looking pregnant, he didn't want me to break down walking in the halls by myself.

I grab my bag, throw it over my shoulder, and head outside to Ethan's car.

Caitlyn was sitting in the back.

I get in.

"Megan, you're getting so big!" Caitlyn beamed.

Ethan looked back at her hesitantly but I smile.

"I sure am. It's growing." I place my hand on my tiny bump of a stomach.

We pull out of my driveway and drive the rest of the way to school in silence.


"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Ethan asks.

We had been sitting in the parking lot for a good 5 minutes. Caitlyn had already left and caught up with some of her friends.

I turn to him.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" I question nervously. "The second we enter that school together with me looking like this, people will figure it out. You know? That you're the father."

Ethan smiles. "I'm not ashamed of that Megan. I never will be."

He kisses my forehead before getting out and opening the passenger door for me.

I take a deep breath, take his hand, and head into the school.

Surprisingly no body had even bothered to look at me yet. All the girls were just looking at Ethan and drooling. It's like I didn't even exist until Cece bumped straight into me.

"Watch where you're-" she started yelling but stopped quickly and looked down at my noticeable bump.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." She said slowly.

"It's true! You really are pregnant!" She screams.

Everyone stops walking to hear the commotion.

Cece looks up at Ethan. "You're the dad?" She had seemed genuinely surprised. Like she hadn't known Ethan was with me.

Some girls start to whisper things. Nate's mouth drops to the ground.

"You got Megan Parker pregnant? Megan Parker, you little slut!" Cece's voice echoed through the halls.

My eyes start to water. Not from the scene Cece was making, but because I had really wished I could go home to my dad in that moment.

"Cece shut the fuck up!" Ethan said angrily as he steps towards her.

I tug his arm back, to try and stop him from causing any trouble, but with no luck.

"Cece you've had sex with half the fucking school and you're calling Megan the slut!" Ethan clenches his fist.

Cece steps closer to Ethan. "Yeah, but I didn't get pregnant." Her eyes go into slits as she stares me down.

"Cece stop!" I hear a voice say.

Caitlyn then walks up and gets between Ethan and Cece.

"Stop being so damn dramatic!" She turns towards the people that had stopped to see what was happening. "So she's pregnant! Does that concern any of you?" She asks the kids.

No answer.

"No it doesn't! So leave!" She shouts.

People continue down the hall as they had before.

"What the hell Caitlyn?" Cece asks. "We're suppose to be friends!"

Caitlyn turns towards Cece. "We are friends, but I'm tired of your shit!" Caitlyn then walks away and down the hall.

Cece gives me one last death stare before walking off.

I take a deep breath out.

Ethan turns towards me. "I'm so sorry, if I would've known-"

I shut him up when I pull him into a hug. "I'm okay." I whisper quietly.

He hugs me back.


"I'm home." I say closing the door behind me.

I didn't hear a reply so I assumed my mom wasn't home.

I tossed my book bag into the couch and head upstairs.

I noticed my parents bedroom door had been cracked open and I debate on going in or not.

Since my dads passing, my mom has been sleeping on the couch and only enters her room if she really needed something, so I knew all my dads things would be exactly how he left them. I really wanted to go in just so I could smell his scent or grab one of his jackets but I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

After debating outside their door for a good 20 minutes, I head inside.

My heart drops.

My dads side of the bed was messy. His pillow had creases in it from when he had last slept on it and his side of the blanket was ruffled while my moms side was made perfectly. They had done it like this every morning for as long as I could remember.

I blink back tears.

He should still be here.

I didn't want to stay in here much longer so I decided to open his dresser to grab a quick shirt and rush out before my tears started falling.

I open his dress and a big puff of his Old Spice scent bursts out and hits me like a truck. He always smelled of Old Spice. I quickly go through his shirts to find the one I want when a white envelope appears. It was already closed and something felt to be in it.

Confused, I pick it up and turn it to the front.

In bold black ink it read, Pumpkin.

I'm sorry this has been the longest it's taken me to update. I know you guys are used to once a day, but please stop commenting "update". I know you guys want me to keep you updated and I promise I will, it just might take some time. I am still in school. I will try to update everyday but sometimes I get busy and it's really hard to provide a chapter once a day. I have to really think about what I'm going to write. I don't want to just throw something together.

Anyway, please continue to vote and comment. I appreciate it so much.

What do you think is in the envelope?

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