The New Kid

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"That name is so adorable! Have you told your mom yet?" Lilly asks me as we're walking to class.

The whispering that had seemed to be happening quite often in the halls when I passed kids, seemed to die down, but still, every once in awhile, I'd catch some kids staring at my stomach. It didn't bother me anymore though. I was happy.

"Yeah, she was happy, but I could tell she's also putting on a happy face. She's still heartbroken about my dad passing." I sigh.

"And you're not?" Lilly questions.

"I know he would've wanted me to live my life. Of course I miss him everyday, he was my best friend, but he also taught me better than to sit and sulk around all the time."

"Well, I'm here for you always." She hugs me before heading into her classroom.

The teachers seemed to be more lenient towards me since it was evident that I was pregnant. They didn't mind if I was late to class or if I turned in my homework late. I guess that's what happens when you get pregnant and lose your dad all at the same time.

I walk into my last period class.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Webster." I say quickly while heading to my seat.

"No worries Megan. We're just getting started." He says to me, avoiding my eye contact, as if he'd end up breaking me if he looked me in the eyes.

I open up my book and start flipping to today's chapter.

"Pardon me, is this Mr. Webster's class? I'm new."

I hear a British accent speak.

I look up to see a tall boy standing in the doorway. He had thick, dark brown hair that was slicked back and doe brown eyes.

"You're in the right class sir. Can I have your name?" Mr. Webster asks.

"Liam McKibben."

Mr. Webster looks down his roster for a second before checking off something.

"You'll need to ask one of your classmates for their personal in order to catch up, but it shouldn't be a problem. You can take a seat in the middle by Megan."

He looks around for a minute. I keep my eyes on my desk, but raise my hand.

He takes the seat next to me.

"Okay class."

"Hello." I hear him speak softly.

I look at him briefly and share a small smile before continuing on.

After a few minutes, I hear him speak again.

"May I borrow your notes?"

Startled, I look up at him.

He gives a soft smile which reveals two small dimples.

"Umm sure." I say looking back down, shuffling through my notes.

I hand him all the stuff I had marked down from the past month.

"This is an insane amount. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I might not get all this written down before class is over."

"Don't worry about it. I remember it all. You can keep it." I say quickly.

He nods and I don't hear from him for the rest of class.

As soon as the bell rings, I start gathering my things. I see his eye widen when he catches a glance at my stomach, but before I can notice anything else, I practically rush out into the hall.

"Woah, slow down." I hear Ethan laugh as I run into him.

"Sorry. I didn't see you there." I say, moving my hair away from my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

I look into his baby blue eyes and smile.

"I'm perfect."

He leans down and kisses my forehead.

We walk out of the school.

"Mckayla can not stop talking about you." Ethan laughs. "She said you're the next best thing since string cheese."

I burst out laughing. "She's adorable."

We listen to the music for awhile before Ethan turns it down to speak.

"Do you have to be home right away?"

I shake my head. "No why?"

He just smiles and turns the truck around.


"This place is breathtaking." I exhale.

We were currently parked at the top of a hill. The sun was just starting to set and we were in full view.

"My grandpa used to take me out here when I was a kid. He had passed away right before Mckayla was born. So I started taking her down here. I wanted to carry on the tradition. I hope to do it with our babygirl too."

I smile. Hearing Ethan talk about the future made me feel so whole inside.

"Can I ask you a question?"

The sun was setting behind the trees and it started sparkling on our faces when it bounced off certain areas.

"Of course." Ethan smiles.

"What happened to your mom? We've never actually, actually talked about her before."

There's a long silence between us which makes me immediately regret the question.

After awhile, Ethan speaks up.

"She left right after Mckayla was born. When my grandpa died, she just lost it. She couldn't handle it and she couldn't handle us. So one day when my dad and I were coming back home from picking Mckayla up, we found a note on the kitchen counter. She had wrote about it not being personal and how she would always love us, but she needed to leave. I haven't heard from her since." He was staring off into the distance.

I reach over and place my hand on top of his.

"I'm so sorry."

He shakes his head. "My mom left me after 9 years of raising me. Just like that. Gone. I'll never forgive her for that, but she's also made me strive to be better. I'll never leave my kid. I couldn't put them through that."

He turns over and looks into my eyes.

"I'm so in love with you Megan."

I smile. "I know."

"No." He interrupts. "You don't. I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. That I don't think about our family." He says lovingly. "And I'm going to marry you some day. Just incase you hadn't already figured that out." He smirks.

My heart races. He pulls me in and kisses my lips.

Here's another chapter! Hope you liked it.

Just so you know, there's going to be controversy between Liam and Ethan. Just be prepared.

Liam is played by Gregg Sulkin. Now you can have a good description of him.

Can we talk about how sweet Ethan is? Awh.

Leave your votes and comments please!

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