About Andrew

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The rest of winter break went by in a blur. My mom and dad have barely spoken a single word to me and dad won't even look me in the eyes.

I understand how they must be feeling but if we're going to make a decision about what to do, I feel like sooner would be better rather than later.

School starts back up tomorrow and I couldn't be more nervous. I hadn't texted Ethan back after I got his message but he hadn't bothered contacting me either. Maybe I made a mistake handling this the way I did.

I haven't had any pregnancy like symptoms yet and sometimes I even forget I am pregnant. Leave it to mom and dad's unkind ora to remind me.

"So school starts tomorrow." I say picking at my food on the dinner table.

We were currently eating as a family even though that's the farthest thing it felt like.

"Mhm." My mom says keeping her eyes down.

"Daddy, I was wondering if you could give me a ride tomorrow. My car is still in the shop from when it was left out in the storm.

"I can't." He says between bites.

I raise my eyebrow. "Can't or won't?"

He looks up at me but quickly looks back down at his food.

"I can't. I have an important meeting early tomorrow Megan."

I cringe.

Never have I heard my dad speak my real name so often.

"I'm finished Caitlyn. I'm going to head upstairs for the night."

My mom nods and takes his and her plates to the kitchen sink. I follow.

"Mom." I say slowly.

"Megan what is it?" She snaps.

"You guys know how guilty I feel about this right?"

She continues washing the dishes and stays quiet.

"I really think we should talk about the next step that needs to be taken."

She puts the dishes in the drying rack.

"We'll talk tomorrow." She says and heads upstairs.

This entire week she's been saying "we'll talk about it tomorrow" and we never do. I was running out of ideas.

I head upstairs.

When I get there I pick up my phone and search my contacts for Andrew's name. I stare at it for a moment as tears fill in my eyes.

My parents had tried so hard to raise Andrew right.

He had his whole life ahead of him. College scholarships, sports, he was going to be someone. So when I found out about his drug addiction I figured I had no choice but to tell my parents. I didn't know much about drugs but I knew he wouldn't stop just because I asked him.

He had begged me not to tell, tried reasoning and what not, but when it came down to it, I knew what I had to do.

I told my parents the next and we waited for him to come home. He didn't though.

The police found him a week later. He had overdosed and they couldn't revive him. I couldn't even mourn at his funeral because I hated him for what he had did.

He was so selfish. Having all these opportunities and giving them up just for drugs.

I'm just like him now.

The thought sickened me.

I turned my phone off and set it on the coffee table.

I needed a way out of this. I can't disappoint my parents. They already lost one kid, they're not going to lose another.

I go to bed.

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