Locked in school with my crush

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I couldn't keep my eyes off the clock. The day seemed to go on forever, and I just wanted Winter break to finally start. The only thing keeping me from two weeks in Florida was that damn clock.

After twenty agonizing minutes pass, the bell finally rings.

"Thank god!" I say aloud.

I grab my stuff and head for the door. When I get to my locker I pull out my books and shove them into the my bag. I hear the announcements come on over the speakers.

         Students there seems to be a very

         bad snow storm coming our way.

         I advise you to quickly grab your

         stuff and head for the buses.

        Thank you and have a great break.

I really hope this doesn't ruin my vacation plans.

As soon as my bag is packed, I slam my locker shut. I look over at the restrooms and then towards the exit door. It will only take a second. I run to the girls restroom.

As soon as I finish and go into the hallway I realize everyone's gone. "I better not miss my bus!" I mumble as I rush to the exit doors. I run up to the door and slam into it thinking it will open. To my dismay it doesn't budge and I fall on my butt.

"Ok, well that was weird."

I think about the exit door on the west side of the school. I run all the way to the west side of school and run into that door also.

"What is going on?" I had been in the restroom for only a few minutes.

Then I notice the snow outside roughly whipping around in the wind. It was impossible to even see four feet ahead outside from the window.

I dump everything out of my bag and grab my phone. I dial my moms number and wait.

                  Sorry, but the person your

                  trying to reach is

                  unavailable at this time

                  Message z a y.

"Great I'm stuck in my school and my own mother won't pick up the phone, what's next?"


I hear a huge crash come from the boys locker room. I hesitant before walking towards it.

"I really hope this isn't that scene in scary movies when the dumb girl walks towards the scary noise and dies!" I whisper to myself.

I walk into the room to find Ethan Howard putting his football uniform in his bag.


Ethan looks at me as if I had two heads.

"Sorry do I know you?" He replies.

"No." I say disappointed. "I was just wondering what you were still doing here?"

"Oh, my dad was supposed to pick me up 15 minutes ago, but it looks like I'm gonna just have to walk."

"I don't think that's gonna be possible."

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"We're locked in." I say calmly considering the circumstances.

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