Caitlyn & Megan

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"Hey sweetie. What are you doing home so early?" My mom asks as I walk through the front door.

I hadn't expected her to be home this early in the day.

Tears start filling in my eyes.

"Honey what's wrong?" My mom gets up from the couch and wraps her arms around me.

"Everyone knows!" I cry.

"Everyone knows what?"

"About me and being pregnant."

My mom removes her arms from me and cups her hands around my face.

"Megan, you're a smart, beautiful girl. You're going to get through this!"

This was the most my mom has ever tried to get involved in my life in a positive way. It really made me feel like I had her on my side for once.

She pulls away from me when we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." She says walking away from me and towards the door.

"Hello?" She says softly.

She turns to me. "Megan, it's for you."

She steps aside to reveal Caitlyn standing at my front door.

Confusion filled my body. I wanted more than anything to hate her. She's the girl Ethan chose over me, but as she stood there fiddling with her hands and giving me a soft smile, I couldn't. It wasn't her fault.

I walk towards her.

"Hi Megan, can I talk to you privately?" She asks nervously.

"Sure. Mom I'll be outside."

I close the door behind me as I step onto my front porch.

Today hadn't been so bad as far as the weather goes. It wasn't as cold as it had been the past few weeks.

Caitlyn's long blonde hair whipped around as the cool breeze flew past us.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Is it true?" She asks looking down at her feet. "Are you really pregnant?"

I was caught off guard by her question. I thought Ethan had already told her and she was the one that put up the posters.

"You didn't put the posters up?" I ask.

She looks up at me hurt.

"I would never go that far Megan." She says appalled.

"Sorry it's just I thought Ethan-"

She cuts me off.

"Ethan and I aren't together. It may have been confusing for you when you showed up a few nights ago and saw me half naked, but Ethan's just been helping me out."

She looks back down at the ground.

A huge weight lifts off my heart for a brief second until I realize that Ethan hadn't chose Caitlyn over me. He just didn't choose me in general.

"So is it true?" She questions.

"Yeah." I say. Face down at the ground. "It's true."

She looks back up at me.

"Ethan's the father isn't he?"

I didn't know if I should tell her the truth or not. Why did she come all this way anyway? Ethan had told me he wanted no part of this and once I tell Caitlyn, who knows who else will find out.

I stay quiet.

"You can tell me. I know we're not friends or anything of that sort, but I would never do anything to hurt Ethan. I care about him too much. Relationship or not."

Something about Caitlyn caring for Ethan hurt me.

"It's true." I say quietly.

Then out of nowhere, Caitlyn does the last thing I could've expected. She hugs me.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this." She says into my shoulder.

I decide to hug her back even though I was beyond confused.

She pulls away.

"I know you and Ethan aren't on the best terms right now, but I came here to tell you, you don't have to worry about me when it comes to Ethan. The past is the past and Ethan and I are definitely that." She says softly.

I smile at her.

"Thank you."

She smiles back briefly before leaving my porch and driving off.

I go back into my house.

"Who was that honey?" My mom asks when I walk back inside.

"A friend." I smile.


I open my eyes at around 3:20 in the morning.

"Hello?" I ask tired.

I had thought I heard something.

I close my eyes again only to be awaken a few moments later from a loud thud coming from downstairs.

Now I was sure I was hearing something.

I tip toe out of bed and into the hall to get a better listen.


I quietly walk down the stairs and hear another noise once I get to the bottom.

Oh no. This was it. I was going to die.

The noise turned into footsteps.

Someone's in my house! I knew it couldn't be my parents because I passed there room when I was in the hallway and they were both snoring soundly.

The footsteps get closer.

Before I could turn around to run back upstairs someone cups their hand over my mouth and their other hand around my waist.

I try screaming but couldn't.

I turn around to see Ethan standing over me.





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