Distance doesn't make the heart grow founder

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Six months later

Things have been different since Ethan left. Different, but not unbearable.

Beth turned six months old today. She started learning how to sit up and can see "ma-ma". She also started eating some solid foods.

I hadn't realized how much Ethan would be missing out on while he was away, but still, every time he video chats or calls, Beth gets the biggest smile on her face. She hasn't forgotten him.

I started college about four months ago. I ended up deciding to go to the University of Alabama with Lilly. It's not too far away, so I'm able to live at home and attend and still get the college experience.

I still make time to visit McKayla and Paul at least once a week. McKayla and Beth get along great.

I'll admit, it seems to get harder with everyday that passes and Ethan isn't here. It's not that I lose feelings for him or anything of that sort, it's just, whoever said "distance makes the heart grow founder" was a big fat liar.

Distance doesn't make the heart grow founder. Distance makes you question if your relationship is able to withstand and if you're missing out on big opportunities because you're waiting around for someone.

No, I haven't lost feeling for Ethan, I've just wondered if the feelings are worth holding onto.

Ethan's POV

"You coming to tonight's frat party?" Mike asks me as we started leaving practice.

Mike was one of the first people I had met when I got here. He was on the basketball team too and we seemed to have a lot in common so we continued to hang out with each other. Now he's the guy that's gonna get me in trouble if I'm not careful.

"No man, today's my baby girl's six months. I promised her I'd video chat." I respond.

He laughs. "Man dog, how does it always slip my mind that you have a kid?" He pauses. "She's four months, she's not gonna care if you video chat or not."

"She definitely will." I say.

"But man, there are gonna be some of the baddest bit-" he pauses again. "Right right. Most elegant women at this party that I'm sure you'd make great friends with." He winks.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "You know I'm not that type of guy."

He sighs. "Yeah yeah, you got the finest women back home. I know. She must've been hand crafted by god himself for you to sit around and wait four years for."

"She was." I smile, thinking back on Megan.

"Look, all I'm saying is you should check it out tonight. It'll be a lot of fun and you ain't got to do anything you don't want too." Mike says.

Now thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure Mike and I only had basketball in common .

"Alright, I'll think about it."

"That's my boy!" He smiles.

Megan's POV

"How did you get so lucky?" I ask Lilly, as we were sitting on the grass at campus watching Zack, her boyfriend, toss the football around with his friends.

"What do you mean?" She laughs.

"The first day we got here you run into some random guy, who you just so happen to have everything in common with, and you two have been together ever since."

"Four months isn't that long." She says.

"It's the longest relationship you've ever had." I point out.

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