The letter

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I couldn't stop staring at the letter. Just open it Megan.

I had taken the letter into my room and was currently sitting at my desk staring at the letter. It had to of been at least a half an hour since I left my parents room.

What could possibly be inside? Why had my dad not given it to me? I had so many questions that would all be answered if I could just open the damn letter.

After another few minutes pass I finally decide not to open it. I didn't want to know. Not yet.

I opened my desk drawer and safety put the letter inside before closing it. I just needed time.


Ethan's POV

"I just need time." I said softly.

"You've had plenty of time, you need to tell your dad Ethan."

Caitlyn was trying to convince me to finally tell my dad about getting Megan pregnant. It's not that I was scared of him being mad, I figure he will be, it's that I don't want to see the look of disappointment he's bound to give me.

"Everything's going to be okay." Caitlyn says staring into my eyes.

"Will you come down with me to soften the blow?" I ask scratching the back of my head.

"Definitely not. You need to be a man. You're going to be a father soon. Set an example."

I cover my face with my hands and groan before heading downstairs.

"Hi Ethan." Mckayla smiled.

She was sitting on the couch in the living room while watching SpongeBob.

I smile at her and then head to the kitchen where I could smell my dad cooking spaghetti.

"Dinner is almost done if you want to-"

"I got Megan Parker pregnant." I say quickly after letting my nerves get to me.

My dad stares at me confused, still stirring.

"Megan Parker?" He repeats.

I nod.

"Caitlyn Parker's daughter?" He questions again.

I nod again.

"You got her pregnant?" His face looked even more confused. "Ethan, when did this happen?"

"While she was staying with us. Dad it was an accident."

He stays quiet for what seemed like forever. Sweat started to come off my hands.

Finally he spoke.

"Is she okay?"

Now it was my turn to be confused. "You're not mad?"

He stops stirring and walks over to sit at the table. He motions me to do the same.

"I'm not mad." He says after a moment. "It's not my little girl getting pregnant, but I am disappointed. Do you know the consequences?"

I nod. "I took her to the doctors a while back. She's about 24 weeks now. She's keeping it."

"Are you going to step in and help her with your child?" My dad asks intensely.

"I am."

"Well then, I guess there's nothing more for us to talk about on this topic." He gets up and goes back to cooking.

"That's it?" I say turning my body to face him.

"Nothing more I can do. What's done is done." He says.

"And you're not mad?" I ask again nervously.

"I'm not mad." He says.

I nod and head back to the living room.

I sit next to Mckayla.

"How would you finally like to meet Megan?" I ask.

Her face lights up with excitement.


Megan's POV

"It's time." I say aloud to myself.

I look over at the clock and it was around 10 pm.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for what I was about to do.

I opened my drawer and carefully picked up the letter. I was careful when opening it up. I didn't want to crease it. I take the letter out and unfold it. I read.

January 15, 2015
Pumpkin, I'm writing you this letter because it has been two days since we've last talked. I don't want you to think I hate you. I just don't know how to respond to your news.
January 16, 2015
Pumpkin, I can see how hurt you are. I want to ask you if everything between you and the baby's father are alright but I'm scared. I know you see your dad as this big, protective, brave man who you look up to and I hope you always see me that way. I'm going to try to be brave for you pumpkin. I really am.
January 21, 2015

I look at the last and final line. He wrote me the day of his death. A tear threatens to roll down my cheek as I read.

Pumpkin, I'm in the hospital right now. The nurses have refused to give me a piece of paper and pen. They said I needed to save my energy, but I need to write this now. I'm so proud of the women you've grown into. Don't you ever let anyone make you feel ashamed. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You have a miracle growing inside you right now. My only regret is that I won't be able to meet my wonderful grandchild one day. I don't want you to regret anything pumpkin. I need you to know something. I've meet Ethan. I needed to know who this young man was that is holding my little girl's heart. He didn't know I was your father at the time. I stopped by his house with a flat and asked for his assistance. We ended up trying to fix that damn flat in his driveway for over an hour. That damn truck is on it's last wheel I swear. Pumpkin, you found yourself a good guy. He's very honorable and I approve. I need you to know that he has my approval. There's one last thing you need to know before I go. Live. Live your life sweetheart. Anything could happen at anytime and I know it may be hard with me not around but you're stronger than you know. Promise me you'll go out and live your life and if not for yourself or for me, live for that baby. I know you haven't told me what you're going to do with it yet, but I have a feeling you're going to keep it. I'm going to tell your mother to take this envelope and put it in my dresser. You'll find it when you're ready. I love you so much pumpkin!

I couldn't believe this. My father wrote to me just moments before I saw him for the last time.

A tear rolled down my cheek but it wasn't because I was sad. It was because I finally got the closure that I needed. I look up at my ceiling.

"I promise!" I whispered.

Here's another chapter for all my lovely followers!

Please please please comment! I love hearing from you guys. Also vote if you'd like.

So I was reading back on some of my previous chapters and I couldn't stop cringing because of how bad the grammar is, but then I read back on the sex scene between Ethan and Megan and that just did it for me. Super cringe worthy. I was barely 15 when I wrote that and here I am going on 17. I apologize for how poorly and odious that had been written!!!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll have another update soon enough.

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