Coming to a decision

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"Lilly, could you take Bethany in the other room please while I talk to Ethan?"

Lilly nods uncomfortably and carries Bethany into the kitchen.

"Duke. Wow. That- that's crazy!" I say to Ethan. I could feel my heart shattering at every word.

"I didn't even know Duke was watching me let alone had interest in me."

He sits down next to me on the couch.

"So I suppose you'll be going then?" I say nonchalantly, not trying to let the sadness in my voice become noticeable.

His head whips into my direction and he stares me in the eyes.

"No! No way! I mean Duke, that's an amazing offer, but I have a child. I have you, I can't move eight hours away and still be in Bethany's life."

"There's no way you can pass this up Ethan. A full scholarship to Duke. That's a straight shot to becoming something big! Imagine how well you would be able to provide for Bethany if you did take up this offer!"

I didn't want Ethan to leave but I also knew I couldn't stand in his way. I couldn't ruin this for him.

He covers his face with his hands and sighs. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder.

"You have to do this. If not for yourself than for Bethany."

"It doesn't feel like the right thing to do." He states.

"It is." I whisper to him.

We sat there in silence knowing we weren't going to have the life we had planned to have together.


"So he's leaving?" Lilly asks.

We were sitting on my bed. It had only been an hour since the decision but it was pretty final. Ethan had taken Bethany out for a walk.

"Yeah. He's leaving." I sigh.

"When?" She asks.

"In two weeks. Right after graduation."

"This is crazy. You guys can't be without each other! You worked this hard to be with each other and now he's just going to leave?"

"It's the right decision." I say sadly.

"Bullshit." Lilly mumbles quietly.

It was the right decision. I knew it was.


"You're so beautiful. Yes you are." Ethan was playing with Bethany on her playmate in the living room and I was watching them on the couch.

"So when do you have to be home?" I ask, looking at the clock that read 10:45.

He picks Bethany up and sits down next to me. "About that, I was wondering if I could stay overnight?"

"Oh." I say surprised.

"Would your mom mind?" He asks.

"Probably not. I mean, we already have a child together." My train of thought fluctuates.

"Well then I guess it's settled, I'll stay."

He then continues to play with Bethany. It was things like this that I was going to miss so much. We had never really discussed how things would go after high school, but it was kind of a given that we'd end up living together with Bethany so that we could both equally be in her life. Now everything is going to be so different.


"We did an amazing job didn't we?" Ethan whispers to me while looking down at Bethany.

We had just put her to sleep in her nursery. She looked so peaceful.

"We did." I whisper back.

"I don't know how I'll ever find the strength to leave her." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"We'll be okay." I lie.

He looks at me and presses his lips against mine softly.

"Let's get to sleep." He whispers on my lips when he breaks the kiss apart.

I nod and follow him out of the nursery and into my room.

"Megan." Ethan stops right before my bed and turns to face me. His eyes were tearing up. "I love you. I love you so much and I love Bethany so much, please, please promise me you'll be here when I get back. Promise me we can make this work even though we'll be apart."

My heart tugs a little bit. I wasn't the only one nervous about if this could work or not.

I nod.

"I need to hear you say it. Say you promise." He whispers quietly.

I take a deep breath in, finally letting everything come to term with how much my life is about to change. How hard this is going to be for me but I still promise, because I knew that Ethan and I, we were something that was meant to last.

"I promise." I whisper.

He leans in and kisses me passionately, causing my heart to warm up. I kiss him back trying to memorize his taste, trying to implant it in my mind so that I'll never forget. No matter how long it might be that I'll be able to kiss him again. We lay in the bed.


When I wake up, I come to find that Ethan is already up. I get up, throw a sweatshirt on and head downstairs.

The downstairs area was filled with the smell of pancakes and eggs.

"Good morning honey." My mom calls from the kitchen. "I'm making breakfast, it should be done any minute."

"Thank you. Have you seen Ethan and Beth-" before I could finish, Ethan appears with Bethany from around the corner.

Since we got back from the hospital, Bethany and Ethan have been inseparable.

"Good morning baby." I smile as I walk towards Bethany and take her from Ethan. "And good morning baby." I wink at him.

He kisses my forehead and heads to the dining room to set up the table.

I look down at my beautiful daughter and wonder. Wonder if she'll remember her dad at all by the time he's finally finished with college. Wonder if she'll think he didn't love her enough to stay. Wonder a million things that I had hoped were just from my mind running around wild.

"Let's head out to the front porch swing for a bit." Ethan says.

He takes Bethany from me and we head out to the porch swing.

We swing in silence for awhile. Listening to the birds and feeling the soft spring breeze whip around. It was nice. It was a memory worth remembering. Us sitting there, enjoying the quiet. Being a family.

"Please don't forget baby girl." I hear Ethan whisper into Bethany's ear.

I repeat the words in my head. Please don't forget this.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I have to get all four wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. Something I've been trying to prolong until I die, but I guess 17 years isn't too bad. Anyway, it may be awhile before I update again. (A few days, maybe a week at most) since I'll need to get caught up on school and recover and what not.

Please leave your opinions and comments because as you all should know by now, I love hearing from you!

I love you guys so much and thank you for all your support!

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