Text messages

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"Ethan you scared the hell out of me! What the hell are you doing in my house at 3:30 in the morning? How did you even get in?" I ask shaking from the repercussions of thinking I was going to die.

"Your front window was unlocked." He said pointing to the open window.

"So you broke in!" I whisper loudly. "You can not be here! If my dad wakes up and finds you, well he'll kill you!"

"I needed to tell you that it wasn't me who put those posters up around the school." He whispers.

"Has nobody heard of fucking text messages! Everybody just shows up at my house!" I say. I wasn't too upset about Ethan breaking in, more so of how my dad would act if he wakes up and see's him.

"Well you showed up at my house." Ethan defends.

"That was completely different!" I say sadly remember back to a few nights ago.

"Look I already know it wasn't you that posted the posters around. Is that the only reason you came and broke in?"

He scratches the back of his head nervously.

"Well no."

"Then why are you here? You've been pretty clear about how you feel about me and how you feel about this baby so what more is left huh?"

I walk up towards him. Suddenly I stopped feeling sad for myself. I felt stronger. I felt angry. I push him back.

"What more could you possibly need to tell me? You broke my heart Ethan! You lie to me and bet on me and get me pregnant!"

I push him again.

"And then you tell me you want to be in this baby's life. You want to be a family and then you don't want to be a family and then you protect me in gym class and then tell me we're not friends and your mood swings are giving me whiplash! I'm the pregnant one here!"

I try pushing him back again but this time he grabs my hand and stops me.

"I came to tell you I'm sorry Megan. I know it's not an excuse and I can't imagine what you're going through-"

"No you can't." I cut him off.

"But I'm going through this also. I guess it just recently started hitting me what's going on. I didn't and still don't know how to react." He says dropping my hand.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do with the baby?"

I shake my head.

"Have you seen a doctor since your first appointment?" He questions.

"No." I mumble.

"Well I think you should. I'd like to make an appointment and go with you if that's okay with you."

"Why would it be?" I question.

"Because I'm trying." He pleads.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"I guess you can't. I wouldn't trust me if I were you either, but I really hope someday you will."

I nod.

"So I guess I'll go. When you decide what you want to do, you know where to find me."

He heads for the door.

Then I say something I hadn't expected.

"How do you feel about Caitlyn?" I blurt out.

He turns back towards me.

"Megan." He starts.

"I'm just curious. I've seen how you look at her. I know she was the girl in your picture."

"Caitlyn was a big part of my life. I loved her. Caitlyn also broke my heart."

"Do you still love her?" I question.

"I said loved." He defends.

"Yeah I know what you said."

He sighs. "I'm not too sure. I know I care about her but I know we could never start again. I just wouldn't be able to trust her like I used too."

"Funny how that works huh?" I smirk.

"Megan, I didn't come here to try and win your heart back. I came here to step up and be a father if you decide you want to keep our baby. The decision is all up to you on what you want to do next."

I nod.

"Call me." He says before leaving my house.

I didn't know what I was going to do. A part of me wanted him to tell me he made a huge mistake and he was still in love with me but another part of me knew I couldn't trust him. Leave it to Ethan to come and make things more confusing than what they were before.

I sigh and head back upstairs to bed.

I guess I had a decision to make and I needed to make it soon.



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