Peter Parker

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Soulmate AU

"I don't get why this spider guy fascinates you so much, (Y/N/N)," you best friend told you, staring at where your face was currently hidden behind a newspaper, the front page sporting a blurry picture of the now famous hero. You rolled your eyes, folding the newspaper and taking one more look at the photo.
"It's really interesting!" you argued. "He's like our neighbourhood's equivalent of Iron Man or Captain America! We finally have our own superhero!"
Your friend raised her eyebrows, not buying it. "The guy's nothing on the Avengers. He runs around in spandex, for god's sake."
"So does Cap!"
You heard a chuckle from behind you, and you turned to meet a pair of soft brown eyes. The boy smiled slightly at you, a smile that you returned almost instantly.
"Hey," you said slowly. "I'm sorry to bother you, but what do you think of Spider-man?"
The boy screwed up his face in thought for a moment, running a hand through his already messy dark brown hair. You found yourself staring, until your friend kicked you under the table with a knowing smirk.
"He's pretty cool, I guess," he said eventually. "I saw him battling that lizard guy a while ago. The guy can fight, I'll give him that."
You shot your friend a smug look. "I told you so."
The guy cleared his throat, bringing your attention back to him. "Look, would you maybe like to go out for coffee sometime? I'll let you fangirl about Spidey all you like."
You chuckled, feeling your cheeks turning red. "That would be nice. I'm (Y/N), by the way."
"Peter. Here, I'll give you my number." He pulled a pen from behind his ear, taking your left hand shyly and scribbling his number on the back. "I'll see you around, (Y/N)."
You nodded slightly, smiling and biting your lip. "Sounds great."
It wasn't until Peter got home that he noticed the familiar number scrawled across his own left hand. Had Aunt May really done that again? he wondered in frustration. She was adamant that he'd one day forget his mobile number when it mattered, and was always writing it on his hand. She'd even added a tiny red love heart this time.
It wasn't until you got home and went to copy Peter's number into your contacts that you realised with a jolt that the writing had smudged. You could only make out the first two digits.
Cursing your own stupidity, you fell back on your bed and glared at the smudged blue ink, the tiny red blob the only remnant of the love heart you'd stupidly drawn. He had been cute, really cute, and now you had no way of contacting him. Unless...
You'd always marked the soulmate theory as bullshit. That your soulmate could write on their arm, and it would appear on yours, seemed ridiculous to you, like something straight out of a young adult novel or a crappy fanfiction. It had to be worth a try though, right?
You grabbed a black biro from your desk, nearly dropping it in your haste and excitement. Pulling the cap off and biting your lip, you took a few seconds to think what to write.
Peter frowned slightly as his left hand began to tingle. It wasn't in the Spidey sense, it was more like someone tickling the back of his hand with a feather. He tugged his hoodie sleeve up to peer at the skin. What he saw made a grin spread across his face.

Anyone there?

He searched his pockets and behind his ears for a pen, and cursed under his breath when his search proved fruitless. His eyes scanned his desk, again finding nothing to write with. His soulmate was finally writing to him, and he couldn't even reply. What a brilliant first impression to make.
You sighed in defeat as no answer came. You should have known it would be a stupid theory. Maybe you just didn't have a soulmate. It had been a longshot anyway; your soulmate would have had to be Peter for it to work, and you barely knew the guy. There was no way you'd get someone as nice and cute as him as your soulmate, you weren't that lucky.
Months passed, and you forgot about Peter. You were sitting in your favourite coffee shop, resting your head against the cool glass window and doodling absent-mindedly on your hand as you watched the rain trickling down the window. A raised voice on the other side of the shop caught your attention.
"Hey, this dude's soulmate's drawing on his hand!"
Your eyes widened; it couldn't be, could it?
Grabbing your pen with shaking fingers, you started drawing the first thing that came to mind. A symbol you'd seen in blurry pictures in the newspaper, and once on a red and blue clad chest swinging through the city.
"His soulmate's drawn the Spider-man symbol!"
You got to your feet, making your way slowly to where your soulmate, whoever he is, was hidden by the small crowd that had gathered around his table.
"Write something back!" someone urged him. Instead of pushing through the crowd to see him, you waited, staring at your hand and holding your breath.

Hey Spider Girl

You giggled, a smile spreading across your face. The crowd turned and stared at you, slowly reaching their conclusions as they saw you grinning at your hand. You looked up slowly to get your first look at your soulmate.
Or maybe it wasn't your second look?
"Peter?" you asked incredulously, your smile so wide now that your jaw hurt. "That was you, right?" you asked, showing him the back of your hand.
Peter got to his feet, grinning sheepishly as he showed you the matching messages and drawings on his arm.
"Hey Spider Girl," he said with a smile, taking your hand in his.

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