Newt TMR Series AU

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College AU

Finally! You think to yourself as you hurriedly walk out of the lecturer's class, that lecture always goes way too long, you swear that he does it on purpose just to mess with you! It's not like you don't like psychology but... He could make it a bit more interesting. Somehow. You're sure of it. You shake your head and stifle a laugh as you round a corner, he must be the most boring person in the world! Suddenly you find yourself wondering if he has a girlfriend or a wife... Poor her.
You walk into the library and notice familiar faces at their usual tables or bean bags either whispering quietly or studying fiercely. This is the only place you actually get some peace and quiet, because unfortunately, you of all people had to land in the same dorm room as the loudest and most out-going person on Earth. It's not like you dislike the girl... But she could start thinking about warning you when she has a boy over, especially when there is alcohol involved. Again, you shake your head, college is full of crazy wonders. And crazy people.
You walk the last few steps towards your little spot where you spend your time reading or playing random games on your phone, a place cut into the wall making a little nook just for one, maybe two, people to enjoy but you stop abruptly as you spot a blond headed, thin twig of a guy smooshed up in your peaceful nook.
He looks up at you with big brown eyes, at first you think he's just going to stare at you awkwardly until you say something or walk away but he then smiles and reaches out a hand towards you. You take it into yours, a surprising warmth against your cold skin, "Hey, I'm Newt. I... uh, I stole your spot didn't I?"
You shake it timidly, "Y/N," and then let go, your eyes dart from his feet to his eyes to your own feet, "Yeah... kind of, I suppose. But that's okay, I'll go sit somewhere else."
Newt shakes his head immediately, "No, wait a second, I don't want to be the guy who stole your reading space." He slides over a little and adjusts the brightly coloured pillows decorating the floor and wall, "There's enough room for the both of us." Again with the smile.
You consider your options, either sit with people who probably won't ever say a word to you again, or even right now for that matter, and endure a cold, hard, plastic chair because you certainly aren't allowed to touch one of the bean bags –they're only for the book club people. Or, you could sit right here in your spot, just with a little less room and a really cute boy as company. You smile, "Thanks for that." You sit down, fitting right in beside him. You pull out a book you started two nights ago and slide your fingers over the pages to your bookmark.
"Is that a good read so far? I have always wanted to be daring and read a Stephen King novel." He smiles again, a flash of interest reflecting in his eyes as they land on the title.
You turn the book over in your hands, "Yeah so far it is good, I've only read a few chapters but the story seems intriguing. Like most of his novels, I've read a few already and they haven't disappointed me yet. You should definitely check him out."
"I would but... Like I said, it's pretty daring."
You tilt your head slightly to face him, "Not a fan of horror?"
"More like... Would be absolutely fine with horror, just not when I'm by myself."
You laugh a little as his cheeks go slightly red with embarrassment, "Fair enough, I mean, when I was little I was too scared to watch Spy Kids because of the gigantic thumb creatures..." You sort of frown for a moment, wondering if you should have told Newt that or not. It's actually kind of embarrassing.
He laughs at you, "That is so adorable!"
"They were terrifying!"
He laughs again, "Well... I got scared in Finding Nemo..."
"The killer fish at the start?"
"No, actually, what did it for me was the crazy girl in braces. Since that movie, I have stayed away from them all. Except my sister, but technically she's not crazy... At least I hope she's not."
You both laugh together this time, and you can't help but notice how attractive his laugh is, and the way his eyes shrink with that big, cheesy grin. "Do you miss your sister now? Being away in college and all?"
"Yeah... Yeah I do, I mean, you've probably noticed my accent, so it's not like I can just go drive down for a weekend every two months... Plane tickets aren't at all that cheap. I'd have to fly all the way back to England –so I have to wait until special holidays like Christmas and Easter, with my sister' birthday as an exception."
"Oh that must suck, I don't do very well without my family."
He tilts his head, his eyebrows furrowing in worry, "Is it going okay so far?"
"Actually I must be one of the lucky ones, I grew up around here. Although... I really did consider moving away. I like the idea of travelling somewhere new, but in the end I couldn't make myself do it." You think back to your days of senior year, searching the internet, making calls, talking to family members who have travelled for education –you remember you were so ecstatic just thinking about a new independent life.
"Well maybe one day you can travel the whole world, who knows, anything can happen." Newt places his book down by his feet and readjusts his position, "Where would you go?"
"Oh... anywhere really. I'd probably have to start out with interstate travel, and I've always had an interest for Japan, or India... And going through Europe would be awesome." You turn to him, "What about you?"
"Definitely like the idea of Japan, I've already been to some places in Europe. Maybe Australia too, or New Zealand."
You smile as you think about all the places you could go, and all the different foods you could eat... "Everywhere."
Newt nods in agreement, "Everywhere."
You both continue talking to one another about life back home, about high school and all of the things you experienced, all of the crappy grades on your math tests or how gross the food they served was most days. You two seem to connect somehow, a boy you have never seen before, and suddenly you thank yourself for always sitting in this one spot no matter how lonely you felt sometimes.
"Okay," You say after laughing about the time Newt was practically thrown out of one of his old girlfriend's house for staying over that one night, "What if we read this book together?"
He looks at you with confusion.
"You said you couldn't read a Stephen King novel by yourself, so we'll read this one together." You propose, standing up and wandering over to the bookshelf.
Newt glances over at you as you walk back to him, "But haven't you read some of it already?"
You drop the same book into his lap, "I don't mind starting again, besides, an opportunity lies before me to educate someone else of the Stephen King world, why would I turn it down?" You smile, and so does he. You sit right back into the nook with him and open to the first page.
"So we come here at the same time each day and read further on?" He asks, an eyebrow raised.
"If that works for you, yes."
He picks up your phone and enters his number, and vice versa, "Just in case something comes up." He picks up his copy of the book and opens it to the first page too, "And no leaving me behind, Y/N, if I get scared you have to be on the same page so you can comfort me, okay?"
You laugh while nodding your head, "Don't worry, I won't read ahead."
He leans back in deeper into the pillows, "Good that."

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