Ethan Hunt

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"Ok, split up, search the area." Ethan orders. You nod and take the left hallway and Ethan takes the right, while William waits by the elevators to take an upper floor. You're in the basement level of a possible terrorist base.
The elevator arrives, and William's about to step in until he hears you scream.
Brandt's head whips toward your voice and he takes off running. "What? What's going on?" Benji asks through the coms. No one gives an answer, and Benji sees Ethan run by the elevators on the surveillance camera. "Ethan?"
That's when Benji sees your com has gone offline on his computer screen. He curses, frantically typing so he can get into the cameras in the hallway you just went down. He accesses the camera, and sees Brandt banging on a metal gate. Ethan joins him.
Zooming in, Benji sees you in the haves of the enemy, barely conscious as a gun is held to your head. "Let her go!" Brandt screams.
They continue to drag your now limp form down the hallway towards escape. "You can have your pretty friend back ... if you give us what we want." The man says, among evilly at the two IMF agents' distress.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Ethan promises as Brandt runs away to get to a staircase. "I swear to God I'm gonna kill you."
The man only laughs and walks away, following the men who carry you toward their escape vehicle. Ethan bangs on the gate one more time before following Brandt up the stairs to the parking garage.
He sees Brandt jogging back toward him. "They got away. I'll see if Benji can get the plates."
Cursing, Ethan punches the wall in frustration.

You snap awake at the sound of your cell door opening. The taste of blood is still in your mouth, and you can barely open your eyes at the new light. It only makes your headache worse. Pushing up off of the hard concrete floor, you do your best to see what's going on.
Two men are now in the room with you, and if you were in a better state, you would be able to take them. But, you can barely walk, so all you can do is stand up slowly with their not-so-gentle help and stagger through the doorway. Your confusion increases as they lead you down an unfamiliar hallway. Who knows how long you've been here, but you know you've never been down here.
"Wha's goin' on?" You ask, your words warping a little bit because of your busted lip. "Where're you takin' me?"
They don't respond, only continue to pull you through the dank, winding concrete corridors. After a couple of minutes, you enter a rather large room, and the first thing you see are about ten other men and women lined up along the opposite wall, while men stand behind them with guns pointed at them.
Firing squad.
The two men holding you start to drag you over to the opposite wall.
Shaking your head frantically, it's like all of your earlier pain is suddenly gone. Pure adrenaline pumps through your body as your bare feet scrabble for purchase against the slick concrete. "No!" You scream. "No!"
They shove you roughly to your knees next to a cowering Indian woman with tears already streaming down her face. You're close to joining her. You almost fall over from the sudden feeling of kneeling on your own, but the two men hold you up and force your arms above your head.
And then they're gone, probably walking behind the firing squad to enjoy the show. You close your eyes and take a deep, shaky breath before looking at the trembling woman next to you. "It's going to be okay," you whisper. "Everything's going to be fine."
She doesn't respond, only looks at you with wide, terrified eyes as a deep voice from behind you calls out: "Fire in three ..."
"It's going to be okay."
"Two ..."
"I promise."
"One ..."
You flinch at the sound of gunshots, your whole body shaking in terror. It takes you a minute to realize you haven't been shot, and you're still alive. If the shots aren't for you, then who are they from?
Looking over your shoulder, you see Ethan, Brandt, and several other black-clad IMF agents fighting the men and taking them down one by one. You sag with relief and fall to your side, your earlier adrenaline wearing off suddenly. Ethan's here. They're here. Everything's going to be fine.
"(Y/n)?" Your eyes flutter back open to see a blurry figure of Ethan kneeling above you.
"Ethan?" You whisper.
He smiles. "Yeah, it's me. We have to get out of here."
"I can't walk ..."
"I didn't think so," he responds. He reaches under you and pulls you up into his arms bridal style, beginning to carry you out of the room. "Just keep those beautiful (e/c) eyes open for me until we get to the medics, alright?"
You nod slowly. "Mm-hmm." As you walk through the halls, you see signs of the battle and other IMF agents helping prisoners to safety. Outside, there are tons of ambulances and injured people. You catch a glimpse of Brandt and Benji helping the Indian woman you saw earlier and another man into a truck before Ethan sets you on a gurney of your own.
"There we go," Ethan says, smiling down at you as he walks next to your gurney, which the medics are slowly rolling over to an ambulance. "You're gonna be perfectly fine."
You take his hand weakly into your own. "Please stay with me."
Ethan looks at one of the medics, and she shakes her head at him. As much as he wants to ride with you, he doesn't want to if he'll only get in the way and put you in more danger. "I'm sorry, (y/n), but I can't. I'll meet you at the hospital though, okay?"
"Okay," you mumble, already drifting back off to sleep. "Hey, Ethan."
You pull him down to your level and kiss his cheek softly. "Thank you."
He smiles down at you. "Anything for you."

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