Newt Scamander

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You had known Newt from the start of his book. You had met him in a coffee shop, in 1920. You could see that he was in the corner scribbling down on his note pad with his pen like the world was about to end, from the serving counter. You had decided sit next to him and start up some conversation with the soon-to-be-author.

"Do you mind if I take a seat here, please?" You asked looking at the red/brown haired man looking down at his papers. He lifts his head and sees your (Y/E/C) eyes looking at him, and a small smile on your lips. He immediately became nervous when he saw you, and started stuttering.

You could see his face more clearly when he looked up. He had countless reckless that were scattered on his face. You could see his mix between green and golden eyes. You instantly fell in love with the man in front of you.

"Y-y-yes y-you, um, c-can. I-if you want to." He said in the best way he could, considering that to him, you were gorgeous; and you were standing right in front of him.

You pulled the seat out from under the table, and place your coat around the back of the chair.

"My name is Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. But you can just call me Newt." He managed to say without stuttering, or making a fool out of himself.

"My name is (Y/F/N), but you can call me (Y/N)." You smiled, taking a sip from your cup of tea.

That was the first time you had heard him speak, and it was the moment that you became friends. You then started seeing each other and then started working with him on his book. You can still remember the first time that he asked you out on a date.

"(Y/N), I would very much like to ask you something." He asked as you turned around to him. You were both on the streets of Trafalgar Square in London. You were having lunch on the side of one of the fountains. You looked at him straight in the eye, seeing that he was nervous. "I would like to ask if you would like to accompany me on a date?" You just stared at him, trying to get your answer out, with a mouthful of food. "You see I very much like you, and it's okay if you don't like me back or anything. I just wanted to see if I had a chance with you." He was literally holding his breath when he was saying this.

You had finished your mouthful of food, and replied with your answer.

"Yes Newt I would love to go with you to dinner. I have liked you since the day that I sat next to you in the coffee shop." You placed your hand on his cheek, and the heat of his cheek warmed up your hand. You also started to lean forward and placed you lips on his. It was your first kiss together. You could feel his breath get caught in his throat and then it being expelled through his nose. You both pulled away from each other, because you both needed to breath.

Your first date that night was the most magical night that you had ever had. Later in the relationship, Newt revealed his biggest secret to you. One that has been bugging him since your date in Hyde Park.

"(Y/N). I have been meaning to tell you something. Since our date in Hyde park." You were both in your shared flat when he had decided to ask you. You both had been dating for the matter of two years, and you had always wondered why he kept in an old batted suitcase, that was never put away. Newt said that it must be out always, in case there was an emergency. "I must show you now, otherwise I won't be able to say it all."

You looked at him, confused. You had told each other everything. He took the case out from under the dining room table. He clicked both latches that were on the case and open the case. He placed one foot in the case and then the other, climbing down the ladder that led him to his creatures, but you couldn't see the ladder. You couldn't believe that your boyfriend could fir his 6-foot self in a tiny case. He continued to climb down the ladder and onto the case, you just stood there in shock. Then his hand came up and beckoned you to follow him into the case.

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