Percy Weasley

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You were in your own little world that morning at breakfast. You sat at the Hufflepuff table scribbling random things on pieces of parchment.
"[Y/N] Weasley?" A voice questioned from behind, making you jump. You turned to see one red headed twin grinning at you.
"Interesting isn't it George" another twin said appearing at your opposite side. You scrambled to cover up your doodles.
"I...It's nothing really...".
"Who could it be?" Fred smirked "it has to be me or George. I mean it couldn't be Ron because you're not dumb and he's like four years younger then you".
"And it couldn't possibly be Percy" George laughed. You blushed biting your lip.
"Wait... Please tell me it's not Percy" Fred frowned.
"What if it is" you stuttered "I mean what's wrong with him".
"Dear Merlin Fred I think [Y/N] has a crush on Percy" George said face palming himself.
"You do have standards right?" Fred questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Oh leave him alone guys" you said standing up, crumpling your pieces of parchment into little balls "I mean he's smart and good looking".
"You could honestly do so much better" George said rolling his eyes.
"You are talking about Percy our brother correct?".
"Stop it" you glared.
You knew Fred and George were only joking but you've had a crush on Percy for so long...
"[Y/N]!" Someone suddenly called and you turned to see your fellow Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory, waving to you from across the great hall.
Cedric was dressed in his yellow Hufflepuff quidditch uniform and he had his broom hung over his shoulder.
This made you remember. You had quidditch practice today.
"I'll be there in a second Ced!" You yelled and Cedric gave you a nod.
"We can talk about this later guys" you said quickly to Fred and George then you took off to get your quidditch things.
Not too long later you were out on the pitch. Taking off on your broom and into the air.
You loved the feeling of the wind as it passed you.
Today you were off your game though.
You couldn't focus as well as you usually do.
It was a good thing Hufflepuffs were so patient or they may have started yelling at you for how horrible you were doing.
"Everything okay captain?" Cedric asked flying up next to you by the end of practice.
"Oh I'm just a little distracted is all" you assured.
"Maybe you should get a little more sleep or something" Cedric suggested with a shrug.
"I'm really sorry".
"Don't be" Cedric gave you a soft grin "we all have our off days".
"Thanks Ced".
"No problem captain".
You quickly went to the locker room and changed out of your robes. It was a Saturday and you wanted to go take a nap. Maybe Cedric was right. You could just be tired.
As you walked back to the castle you were surprised when you were confronted by a particular red head. Percy Weasley himself.
"Ah yes [Y/N]" Percy greeted walking up to you "may I talk to you for a moment".
You gulped nodding nervously "of course".
Percy adjusted his prefects badge and you couldn't help but do the same to your own.
"I've had a discussion with Fred and George this morning" Percy started clearing his throat.
You felt a sickening feeling fill your chest. What have they done?
"You're a good prefect" Percy continued "I've been wanting to offer you a butterbeer for a while and my brothers encouraged me to do so".
"... You want to take me to get a butterbeer?" You said stunned.
"Oh yes I'm sure we'll have a nice conversation don't you agree" Percy gave you a small smile "you seem like a very tolerable person".
You beamed happily. Forcing yourself to nod and reply "that sounds nice. I'd love to".
"Good may I walk you back to the castle" Percy offered and you nodded.
At that moment you made a mental note to thank Fred and George for this later. Those crazy twins really helped you out.

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