Bucky Barnes

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You had just become the latest meme we of the Avengers. You had the ability of super speed and could travel anywhere in the world in a heart beat.

During your time, you had managed to get to know every one of the Avengers on a level that made you as part of the team.

But there was one hat was a little different. His name was James Buchanan Barnes, but everyone called him Bucky. And boy, was he a specimen. He had locks of hair hat you could just comb your finger through for hours, and a body that would put (insert hot male here) to shame.
And you had developed feeling for him over the moments that you two had spent together.

He did as well, but you never saw them.
Everyone knew that you two had a thing for each other, and it was driving them all insane that you guys hadn't gone on a date.

Nat was one of the first to actually take some action and try and set you two up.

You were both in the kitchen of the Avengers Tower having some girl time.
"Come on (Y/N), just one date! If you end up hating him, I'll take you the 'I told you so'." She smirked as she made the proposition.

You finally gave in after a few moments of persuasion from her. "Fine. One date." You smiled. You looked at your wrist and noticed the time. "I am so sorry. But I have to go now." You sis and walked off.

Nat stayed there, sipping her tea. "I know your there Bucky." She said.
The ex hydra solider came out from behind the corner, with a stupid grin on his face. "Are you happy?" Nat asked.

Bucky nodded and ran off to find you.

A/N: I'm sorry for all the short stories, but I'm having a serious scare for my school life. And I'm having a mid-life crisis. And I cannot write a full on story right now.

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