Sam Winchester

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"They should have been back by now," you said, looking at the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"They'll be back, Babe," Sam said, putting his arms around you and resting his chin on the top of your head; your shoulder was too far down for your husband to reach comfortably in this position.
You leaned back against him as you looked out the window, "I just have a weird feeling, Sam."
"I'm sure they're fine. Dean and Gabe are probably having some kind of argument," Sam chuckled, "I still can't believe Dean agreed to go with Cas when he knew Gabe would be there too."
You laughed as well, "I was pretty surprised."
A few minutes later, you heard someone knocking on the door. Sam, gun in hand, looked through the peephole of the motel door, "Balthazar?"
Sam opened the door, "My brothers and your brother got into a little bit of a jam," Balthazar said without greeting either Sam or you.
"What happened?" you asked, getting worried.
Balthazar snapped his fingers and three small toddlers appeared on the motel bed, "They got turned into children."
You stared at the three toddlers with wide eyes, "Can't you turn them back?" you asked him.
"The witch did something crazy. And don't bother trying to get her to turn them back because she did this," he pointed to the little boys, "with her dying breath. So, you're on your own."
"You're not going to help?" Sam asked.
"I kind of enjoy seeing my brothers helpless," he said, "Good luck, Kids," Balthazar said before disappearing.
"Sam, what are we going to do?" you asked.
Sam took a deep breath, "We're going to go get everything we need to take care of three toddlers, and then we're going to figure out how to turn them back into adults," he said, "At least we can tell which is which."
You looked at the three to see that he was right. The witch pretty much just shrunk all of them into toddler sized versions of themselves. Even their clothes were the same. That was helpful.
Sam walked back into the motel room after getting the supplies you needed. He had taken Dean with him while you took care of Cas and Gabe in the room. Handling the two of them wasn't as terrible as you thought it would be. They were actually behaving really well for themselves.
"Hey, Babe," you said, giggling along with Gabe and Cas as you tickled them on the bed, "How was Dean?"
"He grabbed everything," Sam chuckled, "But it really wasn't too bad. I got them some food; and some for us too. And got some toys to keep them busy. I also got some diapers. Please tell me I don't have to change them."
"Sorry, Sweetie," you said, "There are three of them; I'm not going to be completely in charge of that department."
"Will you at least be the one to change Dean?"
"Yes, I'll change Dean," you laughed.
You were doing the research while Sam was playing with the boys. He had bought a few toys that made noise that all four of them actually seemed to be enjoying. And you couldn't stop watching your husband with the kids.
"What?" Sam looked up at you.
"Nothing," you said, turning back to the laptop. You never thought it possible that you would be married to Sam Winchester. And with the life you lived, you knew having a family would be the hardest thing imaginable, but seeing him take care of three little kids really made you realize that he would be an amazing dad.
You finished changing the boys and were putting Gabriel down to sleep when you noticed Sam looking at you.
You rocked Gabriel slightly, feeling him settle down in your arms, "What?" you asked him.
"Nothing," he gave you the same answer you gave him.
You gently put Gabriel down on the bed and made sure all three boys were sleeping before going over to stand behind Sam.
"Anything?" you asked.
"Nothing yet," he shook his head.
You sighed and kissed the top of his head, "We'll figure this out."
You were lucky. The boys only woke up once in the middle of the night. You and Sam got up together, took care of them, and then were able to go back to sleep. You didn't know how long this was going to go on, but you and Sam were already able to fall into a routine together with the boys.
When you woke up, Sam had Dean sitting on his lap, trying to get him to eat, "Morning," you yawned.
"Hey, Babe," Sam smiled at you, "Cas already ate. He was easy. Dean's being a little stubborn."
"Man, you are on top of things," you laughed, "I'll feed Gabe," you said, going over to the other bed and looking down at the golden eyed little boy, "Hi sweet boy," you cooed as you picked him up.
"You're good with them," Sam said.
"Well, look at you, Super Dad," you giggled, looking over at him as you sat down to feed Gabriel.
"I just wanted to make sure you got to sleep some more," he said, "And they haven't been too terrible."
"That's good."
"Do you think we're gonna figure this out?" he asked.
You shrugged, "I hope so."
"If not, I guess we've got three kids," he said.
"I guess that's not too terrible."
Sam met your eyes and just smiled.
The five of you spent time together in the motel room all day. You and Sam took turns with the research again, but you both kept finding yourselves returning to the floor to play and hang out with everyone else.
"This isn't so bad," Sam said when you were putting the three of them to bed that evening.
You shook your head, "Not really."
"I don't really want them to stay kids though."
"Not really, no. I'd like to have them back the way they were, but having a kid wouldn't be so bad," you said offhandedly.
"I don't think I'd mind having a kid with you either," Sam said, sliding into the bed under the covers, "If I'm gonna start a family, I'd only want it to be with you."
"I completely agree."
"Sam? Y/N?" Dean's voice, his real voice, woke you up the next morning, making you and Sam both jump.
"Dean? You're you!" you squealed.
"Yeah," he nodded, "Guys, you were great."
"You remember everything?" Sam asked.
"Of course we do," Gabriel said, "You guys were like the perfect parents to all three of us."
"We really appreciate it," Castiel said.
"Wow ..." you couldn't believe you had really taken care of three little ones like you had.
"And you should definitely think about having a family," Dean said, "I'm serious, guys. You'd make amazing parents."
You looked at Sam, "We need to talk about it."
Sam nodded, "We will."

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