Carl Grimes

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"Hush little baby don't you cry~"
You swing gently around the room, hips swaying to the hum of the song.
"Y/N's gonna sing you a lullaby~"
The baby in your arms giggles sweetly, her golden curls bouncing in the slow breeze.
"And if Y/N doesn't know the rest of these words~"
The little hands move up to your face, a small attempt to grab the lock of hair. You just laugh and put a finger in the tiny hand as you finish the verse.
"Y/N will keep singing because you like my voice."
The swaying, combined with the hums to the old tune, easily brought Judith to sleep. You, once you were sure the baby wasn't going to wake up, set her back in her crib. You pulled the baby blanket over, making sure Judith would be okay for the nap.
"You're really good with her." A sound came from behind you, and you jumped at the sudden voice.
"Jesus, Carl! You scared the shit outta me." You exclaim. He just laughs at your half-made frustration with him.
"Sorry." He sticks his tongue out playfully, and you roll your eyes at him.
He walks to the crib, looking to his little sister. His hand goes down to rest beside her, and his fingers gently caress the edge of her face.
"I wasn't lying; you're really good with her. Sometimes it even takes dad a while to let her sleep."
You shrug your shoulders. "I try. I love the little peanut."
"And she loves you."
You bump your hip lightly against his, trying to bring the playful feeling back to the room. "And she loves you too."
"Hmmm." He adds, absentmindedly.
"C'mon, let's let her sleep." Your hand grabs his and you tug him out of the room. He squeezes yours in response, not wanting to let go. So you don't. Instead, you tug him into his room.
He flops on the bed first, breaking the hand-holding between you two. You lazily push the door shut and follow suit beside him, curling up againt his side. An arm goes around you, pulling you closer to him. You sigh happily, snuggling up as close as possible (though the two of you were already pressed against each other,) and resting your head on his chest.
Carl speaks first. "Today was a good day."
You close your eyes as you respond. 'Yeah?"
"Yeah." He responds. You listen to the steady sound of his heartbeat as he continues. "I did well with PT today. Only hit myself in the face once with the ball."
The comment earns a laugh from you, and your hand lazily wrap your arm around his chest. "Good. Better than yesterday."
You feel him chuckle. "Definitely. From three to one is a good day, right?"
"Mmhmm. And how was the walk around town?"
"Good. I helped Maggie plant some seeds."
"Yay, veggies." You throw a hand up in the air in fake-celebration.
"Hm, you seem about as ready for a nap as Judith." Carl notes. His other hand slowly moves up the arm splayed across his chest, rubbing small circles into it.
"I'm always ready for sleep, you should know this by now."
"Okay then. I was thinking we could make out, buuut if you want to sleep instead-"
"Wait, woah." You say, playfully perking up. "I may have some energy left."
"Only may? Still too risky. Go nap."
"Okay, I have more energy. See? Awake."
"Fine." Carl laughs lightly, and he presses his lips strongly to yours.
It was moments like these that you lived for. The unexpected serendipity in between the bad. And as you tug on his hair with your hands, closer and closer to your face, (as if he could be any closer,) you realize, you could definitely get used to this.

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