Chris Evans and Jensen ackles

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A/N: For the purpose of this yjeyre both single amd still hot af

You were answering the question of a cute little girl when someone came from behind and carefully covered your eyes.
"Are you kidding me?" you laughed, thinking about who'd be the one messing with you this time, "I'm trying to speak... Misha?"
"Try again," whispered a manly voice in your ear.
Your heart raced at the sound of his voice. Your jaw dropped and, when his hands left letting you see again, you turned around. You couldn't believe Chris was there... He had been on the phone with you just an hour ago telling you he was really busy with everything related to Civil War so he couldn't go to the convention. He was such a good liar!
When your eyes finally met, you practically jumped into his arms hugging him tightly, Chris hugging you back. The crowd cheered and awed.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, still clinging to him, refusing to let him go after such a long time.
"I had to see you, I've missed you so much," his words made you feel blessed. You put a quick kiss on his lips and let him go, cupping his beard with your hands.
Jared and Jensen had been sitting there watching the whole scene, and when you finally peeled off, Jared approach to him and shook his hand, "Welcome."
"Thank you, man" said Chris with a soft smile, "Sorry I crashed your panel, I just wanted to surprise her," he explained holding the mic.
Someone brought to the stage a chair for him and he sat there after giving Jensen a short nod. You placed yourself behind him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Look who just showed up unannounced!" you giggled pointing your boyfriend.
"Hi everyone!" he smiled innocently, making people go wild. You were happy he was there with you and kissed his cheek making him chuckle.
Jensen didn't make a move while watching you two acting like lovebirds. He looked down to the floor trying to hide how much the whole situation was hurting him. He knew you were dating Chris Evans and how happy he made you, but it didn't hurt less every time he saw you together.
"Will you stay till the end?" you asked. The crowd whistled and clapped supporting your idea and neither of you couldn't help a big smile.
"If they're OK with me up here..." answered Chris looking at Jared and Jensen. You looked in their direction with a supplicant gaze in your eyes too. Jared turned around, letting Jensen decide about it. When he saw your puppy dog eyes he couldn't deny.
"OK," he said with a smile.
Everyone in the room celebrated Jensen's affirmative answer, but you had known him long enough to know he was playing a fake smile. Deep down his eyes, you could see that something was bothering him... or maybe he was just tired... It had been a long week after all.

It had been a long time since you and Chris had shared a green room with Jared and Jensen. You still remembered how he had surprised you crashing your panel after saying that he wouldn't be able to make it. He was an idiot, an adorable one, and you were madly in love with him.
When you knew you'd be together at the Comic Con you felt happiness taking all over you since you hadn't seen each other a lot, because of your work on Supernatural and his promotional tour of Civil War.
After one of your panels, you and the guys went back to the green room, the one where Chris was waiting. There were a man and a woman taking photos of him, but you were so happy to see him there that couldn't help but go and kiss him, interrupting the whole photo session. They didn't seem to be annoyed because of you. On the contrary, they were very nice with you and, while the man took another couple of photos of Chris you sat there and chatted with the girl.
As you were talking you started to make funny faces to get your boyfriend distracted and it was working. He looked down the floor trying not to laugh, and then he looked again at the camera, very professional.
"You OK?" asked Jared while they watched you walking towards Chris.
Jensen didn't answer, he leaned against the counter and kept looking at you. He wasn't OK, He knew that, Jared knew that and even Chris knew that. You were the only one who had no idea. As he stared at you joking with your boyfriend he remind the last conversation he had had with him.
"I see the way you look at her Jensen, I know you like her," announced Chris in a steady voice.
"And what if I do?" Jensen asked, raising his eyes to look at him.
"Nothing. I can't forbid you to feel something for her and I can't blame you either because I do it too. But I could blame you, and I will, if you ever try to make a move on her now that she's with me so... keep the distance."
It wasn't a threat. Chris was in love with you and he wanted all of you for him. Jensen was in love with you too, but he had realized about it too late... He couldn't stand it any longer. Watching Chris having what he wanted tore him apart, so he just decided to leave the room.
You were still talking with the photographer when you saw Jensen walking away. You were worried for him. He had been acting weird for a while so you decided to go after him and see if you could help.
"Hey! Jensen!" you called.
Jensen kept walking, praying for you not to follow him if he pretended that he hadn't heard you.
"Dude! Hey!" you said running towards him and grabbing his arm to make him look at you, "Man, you're losing your hearing..." you joked.
He didn't laugh.
"Jensen, are you OK?" you asked, worry filling the question.
"I am," he answered turning again to leave.
You walked again in front of him and made him stop, "Don't lie to me... I'm not Jared but I still can see when you're not good, and you aren't so... what's wrong?"
Knowing that you were worried brought a warm feeling to his chest and he really thought about confessing you all his feelings, but another memory crossed his mind, "but I could blame you, and I will, if you ever try to make a move on her now that she's with me so... keep the distance".
Jensen clenched his jaw and put his hands into his pockets.
"I can't tell you, you wouldn't understand..."
You wanted to yell at him for talking to you like you were a child. Why did he thought that you wouldn't understand? You were about to protest when you saw the look into his eyes, so hurt and painful that you couldn't manage to say a single word.
"Now, please, leave me alone," he muttered bypassing you and heading to the exit.

As soon as you and your husband were out of the cinema the feeling of missing the boys took over you. Jensen used to invite you and Jared to his trailer and you spent some nights watching all kind of movies. Some times you had even fell asleep there so now that you had just left the place you missed them.
"What's wrong?" asked Chris, putting his arm around you waist.
"It's nothing... I just miss the boys..." you smiled looking at him.
"Awww," he laughed, "you're homesick, that's so sweet,"
He made you blush and smile again when an idea came up to your mind.
"Let's send them a video!" you said taking your phone out of your back pocket.
"...and that's why I don't recommend to wet Misha after midnight!" laughed Jensen answering a question one of the fans had just asked.
All of a sudden, both Jared and Jensen's phones buzzed. Part of the crowd also looked at their phones watching the notification of you new post that Facebook had sent to them. When they saw the crowd reaction they took their phones too. You had just posted a video and tagged some of the guys. Jensen didn't know if he wanted to watch it or not. After all the pain he had went through during your wedding and the whole celebration... it had been enough for a while, he wasn't strong enough to be aware of how happy you were knowing that he would never be the reason of your smile.
Before Jensen could make his choice someone jumped the gun and played the video on the big screen in the back of the stage. As he heard your voice he looked in that direction, but when he saw you talking next to Chris he just looked away, feeling like he had just been knocked down.
"Hey guys! We were having some fun here but we wanted to tell you that we miss you a lot!!" your voice sounded so happy...
"I don't miss you at all!" laughed Chris, making you laugh too.
"I'll be back next week so you don't have to miss me too! I love you!"
"I don't!" kept denying you husband till the end of the video.
"It seems like someone is having a lot of fun!" said Rob, who had just walked into the stage to watch what you had sent.
The crowd clapped and cheered, happy that you had made a little pause on your honeymoon to tell the boys you missed them.
"Yes, it does..." smiled Jared. He was happy for you, but he also knew how much that was hurting his friend so he tried not to overreact.
Jensen felt people's eyes on him so he held the mic close to his mouth and with a short-fake smile he said "We're really happy that you had found a dick that makes you happy Y/N"
His answer made everybody break into laughter. He was kinda good hiding how bad he felt but he was an actor so he had to. Jared laughed too, but he knew Jensen, he just had to look at him in the eye to know if he was good, and he wasn't. He wasn't good at all.

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