Peter Parker

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"Y/N, I'm home!" hollered Tony as you heard the door open.
You roll your eyes, knowing it's just your dad wanting your attention. You were his only kid after all, and he wasn't going to be disrespected by his own blood. He'd disown you in an instant.
And so, to please your tyrannical father, you turn the corner to greet him, only to be caught by a surprise.
"Who's that?" you asked, pointing at the teenager standing next to your father. "Did you adopt him? Is he my brother now? I swear..."
"Yes, you've been dethroned as the Stark heir," your father sassed, rolling his eyes. "No, I did not adopt him. This is Peter Parker."
You raised an eyebrow at the supposed alias of Spider-Man. He was Spider-Man? He was barely older than you and he was a superhero. Tony barely let you step out the door and this guy got to swing around on spider webs? Not fair.
The teenager cracks a nervous smile as you continue staring at him. Excitement flickers in his eyes as he steps forward and sticks an eager hand out, hoping for a handshake.
"Yeah, I'm Peter," he confirms as you shake his hand. "I can't believe this. You're Y/N Stark. It would be so cool to be your adopted brother."
The statement leaves his mouth and the boy immediately drops his hand and reevaluates his words with a nervous laugh. You crack a smile though, trying not to laugh and embarrass him as Tony sighs. Sure the kid was talented and he was an asset, but he did not know how to talk to anyone.
"Ok, well, Y/N, go be adoptive siblings with him. Show Peter around. I need to go do business." Your father saunters off without another word, leaving you with a lost puppy dog of a boy.
Peter's eyes wander around the house as you walk into the kitchen. He trails you closely before leaning awkwardly on the countertop as you swing the fridge open.
"So," began an excited Peter once your father was out of earshot, "what's it like having Tony Stark as your dad?"
You shrug as you peer into the open fridge, pulling out two icy cold sodas. Peter glances around the kitchen, soaking in everything around him. It was still a bit surreal.
"He's annoying as hell, for one thing," you finally answered, popping off the caps of the bottles and handing a drink to Peter.
"Really? Cause I think he's kind of cool," Peter mused, following you out of the kitchen and into the living room. You laugh at Peter's observation before taking a seat on the couch, flicking on the TV as Peter sits next to you.
"Yeah, it's really cool when your dad spies on you all the time and never lets you do anything interesting," you joke.
Peter begins to reply, taking it as a joke, but Tony's voice interrupts him. Projected over the speakers, Tony's reply echoes in the room as you cringe. Peter's bewildered as he searches for the source.
"I do not spy on you!" your father claimed defensively before pausing. "I never spy on you. I trust you 100% with spider boy."
The message ends and you shake your head. Tony wasn't paranoid, as he claimed, he was just protective. Being his only child, you were one of his prized creations. He could lose all his suits tomorrow, but if he had you, he would be fine. You knew that too, but Tony struggled with actually expressing his emotions and tended to do ridiculous things such as spying on you instead.
"You can trust me, Mr. Stark! I won't do anything questionable with your child," assured Peter with a nervous grin, not really sure where he should be speaking to.
You chuckle as Peter's earnest attitude. It was obvious that he was excited to work with the Avengers, even if it was in the midst of a huge conflict. Boy was he in for a surprise.
Despite Peter's naïve nature, you found yourself amused by him as the time dragged on. You heard his origin story, his first fight, his problems in school. Within the span of a few hours, you found yourself knowing the life story of yet another superhero.
"So yeah, that was not a good day," Peter mumbles awkwardly, concluding a story about one of his fights. "But what about you? You haven't said anything about yourself. I don't even know anything about you, other than you're Tony Stark's kid, which is still cool."
You laugh at Peter's continued obsession with your father. Peter's got an eager look on his face, and you can't tell if he's excited about your dad or if he's excited about you. The TV drones on the back, providing stimulus as you ponder a reply.
"Well, there's nothing much to know," you finally shrugged. "I'm basically a carbon copy of my dad, just with fewer bad jokes and more sense."
Peter rolls his eyes but smiles at your humor. "Okay, your dad is cool, but no more talking about him," he declares. "I want to know about you.
He hesitates on the last line, hoping he wasn't overstepping a boundary. You hesitate too, caught off-guard by the intimate question. You scrambled your brain to find an adequate response, realizing that you had never defined yourself without your dad as a reference point. You were always Tony Stark's kid, Y/N Stark, or Stark Jr. You were rarely just Y/N.
"Well, I like music," you stated, swirling your soda to avoid Peter's attentive stare. "I never pour my milk before my cereal, sometimes I get out of breath when climbing stairs at school, and one time I had a dream that I married Wade Wilson."
Peter bursts out laughing at the last fact, unable to hide his amusement. Peter can't help but smile when he looks at you again, trying to hide the fact that he was simply admiring you with amusement about your dream.
"Wade Wilson? So that's your type of guy," Peter joked, bumping shoulders with you.
You rolled your eyes, a smile tugging at your lips. "Well, a guy in spandex. What more is there to say?"
"So, like, me?"
There's the beginnings of a smile on your face before your register Peter's words. You turn to him, head slightly tilted as you struggled to respond. Peter's got a slight flush on his cheek as he tries to read you, wondering if that comment was too much.
"You're something else, Peter Parker," you say as you laugh lightly. "Something else entirely.
Peter grins. "Good or bad?"
"That's up to you."
Peter's about to launch another witty response when, once again, you're interrupted by your father. You close your eyes in morbid embarrassment as Tony's voice echoes in the room again. Peter seems to literally shrink as he leans back into the sofa cushion, hoping that he could somehow turn invisible and leave.
"No, that's actually up to me, and he is bad," declared Tony. "I saw that look in your eyes. I knew that look. You had that look with Thomas in 7th grade. That look is no good."
You roll your eyes for what seems like the billionth time and give an apologetic look to Peter. He gives you a weak smile, and you can only hope that Tony's easy on him. He was an asset after all.
"Spawn, up to your room. Spider-nerd, stay there," Tony commands. You can already hear his steps thundering up the stairs.
"But dad-"
"Room. Now."

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